Chapter 1 {Planning}

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'Urgh.. im tired of this...'

<<Master you shouldn't slacked off>>

'But ciel it is really tiring im getting bored of this.. Its all been this paper works after since the tenma war'

Its been almost 160 years after the tenma war. Since then many changes have happened in the world but the most noticeable one is of course the Tempest. Tempest basically upgraded all its function into modern one.. ( Yea modern i cant really build the correct word to describe it.. im kinda newbie in writing please bear with me. moving on) And some other Nation followed the evolution of Tempest like Puppet Nation Jistav and some of allied nation of tempest.

<<Would you like to rest for a while master?>>

'mhm... rest what kind of rest are you talking about ciel?'

<<Basically we're gonna sleep for millennial and let this world develop on its own without us.>>

'That's pretty interesting idea but.. im worried about my friends here... specially some of them doesn't have that kind of lifespan'

Rimiru reasoned as he suffered a lot from the goodbyes he received from some of his friends.

<<Don't worry master I'll let you ask your subordinates and your friends from other nation and you can let them know this plan of us>>

'Now im really making a really big trouble here its all because of my own laziness..' ( I mean who wouldn't get bored doing paper works for almost 160 years?)

'Anyways let's just do it.. I already called the patrons and some of my friends who are currently present here in tempest'

<<Hai, master I hope this persuade them>>


Rimuru Pov

Rimuru: "And everyone I'll rest for 1000 years."

<< Ciel... facepalmed after seeing this care free attitude of her master>>
Benimaru: "What do you mean Rimuru Sama"
Benimaru Asked

Rimuru: "Oh It means ill sleep for 1000 years and wake up after that"
'I don't want to explain it in more detailed form as it would only bring more trouble'  He thought in his mind

Diablo: "Then what about us Rimuru sama"
This time the one who asked is Diablo.

Rimuru: "Mhm... dont worry ill give you guys a choice, First would you also like to rest for 1000 years or Would you stay here and watch this world change for 1000 years."

Many murmurs are heared and the place became noisy. Rimuru seeing this scratched his head and thought 'I can't blame them for overthinking it as it was my own selfishness really..'
(Im really sorry for not bringing the other Pov of some characters im really a newbie so please teach me the ways and don't hold back on criticising me.)


Rimuru: "hm... is this your final decision?"
Rimuru asked all the guys present in the place while looking at the list.


Rimuru asked Testarossa recite the content of the list

Will sleep
• The demon legions (Other than moss as he was ordered by testarossa to gather Intel for this 1000 years)
• Shion
• Demoness Trio
• Diablo
• The 10 lords of librarinth (other than adalman)
• Veldora
• Shuna
• Benimaru
• Yea bro the patron
(arghhhh can't think of any one)

Will stay
• Moss (poor moss still getting overworked by testa)
• Adalman (He wants to share the glory of his lord ofcourse)
• Hakurou ( He wants to lead/teach the coming generation. ye don't ask me this old man)
• many more ill gib details in upcoming chapters fr and moving on>>>>>

Testarossa: "And that's the list Your Majesty Rimuru Sama"

Rimuru: "Thank you Testa, and ill explain the plan now okay, So ill Let the tempest operate and I will appoint a Temporary leader because without a leader things will get untangle obviously. And I'd like to Appoint Rigurd for it, is there someone who oppose it?"

all audience shakes their head as they obviously can't go against rimuru's words

Rimuru: "Good Rigurd I hope you'll make this tempest more beautiful as I wake up, Ill entrust this position to you now."

Rigurd: "Yes! Rimuru sama!! Please rest assured even tho im incompetent I will still do my best to achieve more higher heights!!"
Rigurd, with his newly achieved determination.

Rimuru: "That's good to hear"
Rimuru nodded with a smile on his face.

Rimuru: "And finally the allied nations"

King Gazel : "It's really absurb if you ask me haah..."
King gazel of dwargon muttered ( He evolved into true hero yeyeyeye just some rimuru/ciel bs)

Elmesia nodded to what king gazel said, and said

Elmesia: "rim-chi your just getting bored aren't you.. your probobly planning to escape your paper works that's you though about this plan~"

Hinata and Chloe face palm in what elmesia said as she probobly guessed it right. And Rimuru is just there asking ciel to come up for a better and valid answer for what El-Tan said.

Ciel: << Just reason the evolution and development of this planet without its peacemaker/chaos crater. >> she ender the conversation with a smugly voice.

Rimuru: 'is it really necessary to add chaos crater, im not even the cause of the chaos in this planet the majority of it is because of some dreamy villain.... Haahh.. anyways i better answer El-Tan now'

Rimuru : "You have no proof in that El-Tan~, and the reason I am doing this is because I want the humans actually not only humans but also the monsters to not to depend on me to much I want them to develop their own survival something like that. This planet has gone to too many changes ever since after the tenma war and I want to know what will happen if they dont have 'Rimuru Tempest' in it."

Louminus: " you've became arrogant newbie".... "Tch"

Rimuru: "Ehh..."

'Ciel why is she mad again?'

<<You forgot your promise you made with her last month...>>

'promise?....  oh...'
A pair swimsuits came to his mind

'oh im in trouble huh... nvm that ill sleep for 1000 years anyways shell forgot about that'

(Press X to Doubt)
Moving on~

Hearing what Rimuru said earlier the people who knew him too well made an disgusted look in their face as they sense that half of what he said is pretty much bs.
And rimuru after seeing, Can't hide his frustration and throws a tantrum like milim.

Rimuru: "ARGHH dont askk question okay okay i just want to take some break okay.. but I still want to this planet to develop so no more commentssss"


" " REJECTED"  "
All shouted in unison

A big sigh is heard in the place.

Hiii guys im a newbie writer and this is my way to improve myself as i aspire to wrote a Novel. Please guys feel free to criticise me i really want to know my own faults humu humu.
and pls dont forget that this a fanfiction for Tensura and i might wrote some of the characters differently.

Rimuru Goes to Sleep for 1000 years!? Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora