♛ Night Seventy-Five

Start from the beginning

I couldn't agree more. 'That's how I see it as well. I'll leave you alone, Lady Ichika.' After a short bow, Hanabusa leaves the room. 


Carefully opening the door, he goes inside. Who are you? I was only expecting Kaname to be here. He looks for anything that looks like a journal. 

Even from the bathroom, Ichika senses someone's presence. She turns the shower off, and uses the towel quickly to put her robe on. Tightening the belt, she goes to her bedroom. 'Care to explain what you are doing?' 

He almost jumps and turns his head. 'I just want to know who you are, Milady Hirawa.' 

'I do not like it when someone breaks into my room and starts searching for something.' She sees his eyes and knows enough. 'And I have told you my name. Unfortunately, you haven't told me your name. It is only polite to introduce yourself.' 

A flicker shows in his eyes. He does like what he sees. 'Would you believe me if I give you my name?' He goes closer and catches the belt of her robe. Although the double knot would not come loose, and he gets curiouser. 'And the Hirawa name does ring a bell, I just can't get to the Pureblood's family name. Is your family a side branch of a Pureblood's family? And if so, which family?' 

She crosses her arms. 'Am I not even getting so much of an apology for entering my bedroom without permission?' She doesn't bulge from her position even when he seems to try to open her robe. 'Please maintain a proper distance and stop trying to seduce me. I have a boyfriend.' 

'Pity, but as expected. I would be surprised if a woman such as yourself would be single.' He straightens his back. 'He's a fool for leaving you alone...' 

'I apologize for cutting you off, but I like to get dressed.' She wraps her arms around herself. Her robe reminds her of just coming from the bathroom. 'No matter how many or pressing questions you have, I'm sure it can wait until I'm dressed. In about thirty minutes, I'll be in the library.' 

'My, I like how you are both polite and demanding at the same time. You intrigue me, Milady, but I guess my questions can wait for half an hour.' He heads back to the door. 'I will see you later, Milady.' She has an attitude without being rude. Along with an air of authority of a Pureblood. Just who are you? 

Being alone again, she waits another minute before going to her wardrobe. Quickly, she gets dressed and goes to Kaname. I still have time before going to the library. 'Kaname?' She doesn't hear anything and opens the door. Empty. This is important, Kaname. She makes sure no one sees her and goes inside Kaname's bedroom. Where she raises her shield. 'Kaname, wake up please.' 

Kaname stirs and realizes he's not alone. 'Do you want some company or something?' 

'I know that Shiki's body was taken over by Rido, and Rido was just in my room searching for something.' 

He sits up and rubs his eyes. 'What? Did he do anything to you? I know he's here and coming for me. Maybe he's looking for Yuki as well, but it's too soon to say.' 

She shakes her head and sits on the edge. 'I was barely out of the shower and had my robe on with a double knot in it. It didn't stop him from playing with the belt. I insisted politely that he needed to leave so I could get dressed. He did leave, reluctantly.' 

'I did not expect him trying to get close to you. Usually, he's interested in killing me and getting closer to Juri, or Yuki this time.' Kaname gets out of bed. 'You should tell Takuma as well. He only stays closer to Rido because he hijacked Senri's body, and Takuma tries to protect his friend.' 

𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐊𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 - 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭Where stories live. Discover now