Chapter Twenty-Three

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I don't move

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I don't move.

For two reasons.

One, I'm afraid if I move too fast, she'll get frightened like an afraid, injured animal and haul her ass out of here.

Two, I'm afraid with any sudden movement I might make, she'll strike like a cobra. Ready and able to decapitate me without a moment's thought. It's a strange feeling to have radiating through my chest. Being afraid of scaring her off or her scaring me off.

I take a small step back all the while keeping my gaze locked on hers, barely feeling as if I moved at all.

Her lips curl into a forced smile, sadness penetrating her orbs as she awkwardly raises her right hand and waves. "Hi."

"Uh, hey," I shuffle my feet uncomfortably. "What are you doing here?"

"I..." she trails off, biting her bottom lip and dropping her gaze from mine. "I," she clears her throat, rubbing her palms up and down her exposed arms blotched with red and purple, covered in goosebumps.

I see the cognitive gears turning inside her head as a crease begins to form between her brows. Uncertainty flashes in her sad eyes reflecting the dwindling light as the sky transitions from day to night.

"I don't know," she answers with resignation. "I should probably go," she flashes another forced smile, getting to her feet.

"You came 'ere for a reason," I say, removing my black hoodie and hand it to her.

"Do I need a reason?" She asks with an edge, slipping my hoodie on and wrapping her arms around herself. "Sorry," she sighs. "It has been a rough couple of days, and I don't know. As soon as I got back home, I came here."

"Why?" Why am I even questioning this? I should be happy she came to me. I should be rejoicing but instead I'm questioning her motives. Perhaps making her regret her decision. What a fucking tool I am.

"I should go. This was a mistake."

"Nothing about us was or will ever be a mistake, Lana."

"When you say things like that it confuses the hell out of me," she huffs. "It's making me question everything, Alec. Everything," she gesticulates wildly, my hoodie hanging on her body beautifully.

Her lips are moving, the sound not reaching my ears as my sole focus shifts to how abso-fucking-lutely amazing she still looks in my clothes.

My fingers tingle and twitch with a fierce need to touch her, but I refrain. Opting to admire her like a work of art hanging in a museum. from a distance. Too precious to damage with the heat of my touch. Too precious to ruin with the natural oils of my skin.

My eyes follow her every movement as she paces, my hoodie moulding and shifting against her body. Accentuating and hiding her curves.

My salvia turns to water inside my mouth, ready to spill out of the corner of my lips but I swallow unceasingly. Hoping to prevent myself from drooling like a Mastiff.

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