Chapter Six

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The early morning sun filters in through a gap in my deep pink curtain

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The early morning sun filters in through a gap in my deep pink curtain. A ray of sunshine flits across my bed, bringing my bedroom to life.

I nestle further into my bed, trying to chase away the early morning nip. I exhale a content sigh. There's no place like home.

Truly there isn't.

A light breeze flutters my curtain and I welcome the hint of salty air entering my nostrils.

I turn around, trying to untwist myself from my burrito and I turn on my back. I throw my arms above my head, and I stretch. Unladylike noises rumble to life within my throat as I stretch all the muscles in my body.

"Fuck yes," I say to myself with a guttural moan. I stare at the digital clock on my nightstand, unable to comprehend the numbers. I reach for my phone to check the time.

The clock on my nightstand is incorrect, it's mistaken. I don't trust it for a second. Eleven fifty-six AM. I never sleep so late.

Shit! I drop my phone on my nightstand with a soft thud against the light wood.

The time's right.

My bad.

So much for not trusting the clock. I can't even trust my own trust – I snort at my own lame ass joke that doesn't even make sense.

I sit upright in bed, rubbing my eyes with my palms and I reach for my phone again.

Four missed calls.

Two missed video calls.

Three texts.

All from Justin.

Justin, my love: Good morning, love.

Justin, my love: I you have an amazing day with your parents. Call me when you can. I miss you.

Justin, my love: *Hope. Lol my bad. I love you.

I smile, my chest inflating with love, making me feel all giddy, gooey, and warm inside.

I dial his number and bring my phone to my ear.

But there's no answer.

I try calling three more times but still no answer. I type out a quick text and send it.

Me: it seems we keep missing each other. Video call tonight at eight PM? I love and miss you, too. So, so much, xx.

Longing for Justin weighs my heart down as I clutch my phone to my chest before placing it down. I get out of bed and walk through the house, "mama!" Calling for my mom.

I walk into our white and beige kitchen with grey and black kitchen cabinets. Black and silver appliances, going with the theme of the cabinets, decorates the space.

The black and silver Nespresso coffee maker I sent just for the sake of it sits on the counter, seemingly untouched. I search the cabinets for the coffee capsules I sent along with it, and I find what I'm looking for, most capsules used.

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