Chapter Nine

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"You look like you've had a roll in the hay

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"You look like you've had a roll in the hay."

"What?" I uncross my legs, placing my feet on the floor.

"Your hair, love," Justin raises his hand, moving it in a circular motion above his hair. "Is full of grass," he smiles a dazzling smile, leaning back in his brown leather office chair.

"Ugh, babe," I groan, scrunching my nose and placing my right foot under my left thigh. I don't even want to know how my hair looks after yesterday's boat ride.

"You look adorable," he coos, wiggling his brows suggestively. "The beer won again, didn't it?" He asks.

"Beer always wins. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself," I sigh, running my hand over my hair, and grimace at the oily, rough feel against my palm.

"I'm sorry I missed our video call last night." And I'm sorry I cheated on you with my husband which I never told you about. Obviously, I don't say it. My guilt wants me to, but my heart doesn't want to take the risk.

"It's okay, love. At least we're talking now."

"True," I smile, my face aching, and aggravating the pounding in my head. It feels like I've been hit by a jet. "I can't wait to see you."

"And I you. I've moved all my meetings on Friday and Saturday. I should be by you on Friday instead of Sunday."

"I'm excited," I smile, gazing into his blue orbs. The blue shirt hugging his body amplifies the blue swimming in his irises and I feel myself getting sucked in like I did the very first time I met him.

The dark grey wall of his home office behind him in his penthouse is lined with his framed accomplishments and his master's degree. Along with some other degrees I'm not smart enough to understand and I never bothered to ask.

Fuck, this man deserves so, so much better.

"Telana," he chuckles. "Where'd you go?" He leans forward, his blue shirt pulling taut around his biceps, filling my screen with perfection.

"I'm sorry, what'd you say?"

"I was thinking we could spend a few nights at The Four Seasons in Atlanta. Just the two of us," he winks. "Catch up without interruptions or restrictions."

"It sounds dreamy," I feign interest, sucking my bottom lip into my mouth and batting my lashes. "I'll wear that outfit you like?"

"Which one is that?" His pupils dilate as he rests his chin against his clasped fingers.

"My birthday suit," I whisper seductively. Usually, I would be clenching my thighs and my pussy would be throbbing while my mind raced with all the things, I wanted Justin to do to me, but nothing.

No raunchy clips flash in my mind, no throbbing, and no wetness seeping into my thong.

My pussy is as dry as the Sahara desert right now, and deader than the dead sea. If that's even possible.

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