|| Pool Day ||

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Last week was rough. There's no doubt about that and I have yet to tell anyone but there really is no reason for them to know. It's not that serious, my parents can't get me here. Another thing I cannot tell anyone about is the nightly facetimes with Dorian. We have started a streak at this point so I only call him to keep up our invisible streak. That's the only reason. That and they kind of help me forget about everything.

"Drea!" Katy bust through the door while I am studying.


"Get dressed, we are having a pool day!!" She squeals and heads toward the closet.

"When was this decided?" I ask

"In the shits and giggles group chat" She responds like its obvious. "and don't say you're not in it. Check your phone."

130 missed text messages from shits and giggles
3 missed calls from stronzo
1 missed call from Katybug

"Oops..." I respond while scrolling through the GC. "This is great but I can't go, I have a huge math test tomorrow and I know nothing."

Katy walks over and sits on the bed. "Drea, you are easily one of the smartest women I know. Please take a break, it's been forever since we actually hung out and gossiped."

Something about Katy's puppy dog eyes convinces me to put on one of Katy's bathing suits and go to the soccer house.

When me and Kat arrive Georgie and Jen are already there. The team is out doing some bonding but Dorian managed to get him, Jacob and Hunter out of it.

"Hey girls!! How did you two get in?" I'm curious. Are the boys dumb enough to just leave the door unlocked?

"Hunter gave me a spare, just in case." Makes sense.

"They went to get food and alc but they'll be here in like 20 minutes." We all decide to hop in and play stupid little pool games like marco polo and mermaids.

"Honey I'm home!" Jacob yells, which is unfortunate because that means the boys are back.

"Yo come help us with these groceries!"Hunter yells. None of us listen and
continue playing around.

"Hey!" Jacob yells. We look over and see the golden trio glaring at us.

"Ugh fine." Katy says, the first to succumb to the boy's tyrannical policies. This is not very feminist-core of them.

I decided to hop out of the pool as well. There's no point in not helping. I swim to the edge and shoot out the water like a mermaid.

"We can't be mermaids forever." I look over to Georgie and Jen with a solemn expression.

I feel someone's eyes on me and I look over to Dorian who's just staring at me. Probably glaring at me. We hold eye contact before Jacobs' hand starts waving in-front of us.

"Hey lovebirds, can we put this eyefucking on hold and go get the food?" Jacob says

"Not lovebirds." I say

"Not eyefucking." Dorian says through his teeth.

"Yeah whatever you guys say." Hunter rolls his eyes and walks to the car.

It took us 5 minutes to bring the groceries in and Georgie has so wonderfully decided its shot time. Honestly I need this, I need to live a little.

"To the friend group, I love you guys!!" Katy squeals and it's honestly the cutest, she's like a kitten. About 3 shots in we decide to hop back into the pool.

"Guys, we need to have our annual chicken fight tourney." Hunter says with a whistle around his neck somehow.

"If you can't tell by the whistle I am ref this year. Partner up!" I've heard of chicken fighting but I've never actually done it so I am incredibly nervous. Obviously the couples pair up which leaves me and Dorian.

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