Over my Head

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~Louis' POV~

"I think I love you." He said subconsciously twiddling his fingers. I thought he looked so adorable with those big green eyes and flaming cheeks.

Suddenly, images of things that gave me déjà vu started to flash in my mind. I don't exactly know what happened, but I realized that these were memories. Memories of Harry and I. I saw myself jumping into Harry's arms on the X-Factor stage hugging him. Being at Harry's step-dad's bungalow. Cuddling with Harry and hugs we shared. Lots of memories of us hanging out with the boys. Memories of us looking in each other's eyes and getting lost in them. Just bits and pieces of moments we've spent together.

The next few moments were right before the 'incident.' All of the other flashbacks weren't as baffling as the flashback of Harry and I in his bathroom. Images of Harry's scarred arm and his tear-stained cheeks were flooding my mind. All of them leading up to the kiss.

It was if I were living all of these moments over again but in quick little bursts. I actually felt the things I was feeling at the time these events had occurred. Which led to another problem, what if Harry hurts himself because of me? I couldn't live with myself if this were true. I love Harry too much to do that to him.

"I remember now, I remember you." I spoke happily.

'You're so in love with him.' My mind told me. All of these realizations were getting to be too much for me. I had to get out of this room before I could do something daft.

Lips. That's all I could register. Harry's lips were now on mine. The way his lips were moving against my own had my heart speeding up. I melted into the kiss. I was like the proverbial chocolate out in the sun. Kissing him back with just as much passion and vigor. Like a fire on pavement the kiss went on and on until we pulled apart for air.

Harry's face was completely flushed, I wouldn't be surprised if my own face mimicked his. We just sat in silence staring at each other as we slowly caught our breath.

"I-That was...amazing." I breathed out breaking the silence.

"Yeah, it was." He said looking in deep thought.

~Harry's POV~

Allen just wouldn't shut up. I can't continue to live like this. I just want it to stop.

'Don't worry about him, Harry. The important part is that Louis feels the same about you.' Jane spoke.

'Thanks.' I said back, smiling. I bet I look pretty stupid right now.

"What are you thinking about, Hazza?" Louis asked.

"Just about how much fun the rest of the trip will be now that you've got your memory back." I said smoothly.

"How about we tell the rest of the boys at lunch?" He asked playing with my fingers.

"Sounds like a great idea, love." I said giving him a quick peck on the nose. He blushed before giving me a sly smirk. Oh, no.

"Louis, I'm warning you. Don't. Even. Think. About. It." I said seriously.

"Don't think about what?" He said innocently whilst shifting closer to me.

"Lou, if you tickle me I will not show mercy." I said playfully.

He made a fake sad face before launching himself at me. His fingers were a blur as he tickled me all over. I was gasping for air and giggling like a school girl when he finally stopped. We were laying on the floor, him on top of me. He crawled off of me, getting up before offering me a hand.

"Wanna cuddle or something?" I asked him shyly. He smiled at me, it was like my heart stopped and pounded harder at the same time.

"Sure, but only if you promise that you'll come to me before you hurt yourself."

"I promise."

"Good." He responded before leaning in to peck my cheek.

"Um, Louis?" He hummed in response.

"What- erm, what exactly are we?" I asked lowering my head, my hair shielding my face from being seen. My cheeks were so hot you could probably fry an egg on them.

"Whatever you want us to be." He whispered lifting my chin and tucking a fallen piece of hair behind my ear.

"Will you be my boyfriend, Lou?" I blurted out. He simply looked me hard in the eyes before his face cracked into a large grin.

"I thought you'd never ask." He said before leading us to my bed to talk and cuddle.

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