"No, somebody slashed it." Luke told me.

"Hey, you want some help?" Ryan asked him.

"Thanks, I got a spare in the back." Luke told him.

"Hey, Luke, why doesn't your dad help with that tire, I'm sure he'd like to bend over!" A guy called as he walked past.

"Screw you!" I called to him, making the guys look at me in shock. 

"What, you know I have rage issues." I told them casually.

"New Year's resolution, why don't we all punch people less?" Luke suggested.

"Yeah I had the same one." Ryan told him.

"Doubt it lasts." Seth muttered.

"You think I'm getting what I deserve? All those years of being a jackass?"

"Definitely." Ryan, Seth and I said at the same time.

"But do you wanna get out of here? The tire can wait." Ryan told him.

"That sounds terrific."


I stood with Seth and Ryan as we watched Luke play a video game.

I could tell Seth wasn't too happy about Luke hanging around, especially since all of the hell he'd caused him growing up.

"Hey, Cohen check out the replay on this tackle! I broke this bitch in half!" Luke called, to which Seth cringed and I elbowed him.

"He's having a bad day, come on!"

"Can't wait to see it buddy!" Seth called back, way too enthusiastic.

"Happy?" He asked turning to me, making me smile.


I walked in with Seth and sat with him on the couch. It was a little boring watching Luke play games but I felt bad enough for him to put up with it.

"Hey, how do you guys feel about Moroccan?" Ryan called to us.

I glanced at Seth and shrugged. Anything to get away from this video game.

We went to Marissa's friend Oliver's hotel, which he lived at. He and Marissa apparently had therapy together.

We all sat in a circle on the floor around the food except for the host himself. I looked up as Oliver came and sat down between Marissa and I. I saw Ryan's eyes narrow and so did Seth's.

I rolled mine at their jealous behavior. "Where's the silverware?" Ryan spoke up.

"No man, Moroccan you eat with your hands." Oliver told him, in a tone that implied it was obvious.

"Well, we didn't eat a lot of Moroccan growing up." I told him in my fake nicest voice ever.

Oliver glanced over at me. "You're Ryan's sister, right?"

"How'd you guess?" I asked him sarcastically and he rolled his eyes at me before turning to Marissa. I decided then I didn't like this guy.

"How good is the cous cous?"

"It's amazing." Marissa told him.

"Yeah, it's pretty good." Ryan added.

"No, that's that's the kefta, cous cous is the other thing." Oliver said dismissively, which pissed me off, especially as I saw Ryan looked uncomfortable.

"Dude, I can't believe you live in a penthouse." Seth told Oliver.

"Yeah, it's always been my fantasy to live in a hotel like Eloise." Marissa chimed.

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