Chapter 34: The Birds

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[THE BIRDS]"it hurts to be something, it's worse to be nothing with you"

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"it hurts to be something, it's worse
to be nothing with you"

Song: promise - laufey



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Heartbreak. Aaliyah had read it in books, watched it in movies, heard it in songs. She knew it sucked but she never imagined that it felt like this. That it felt like your actual heart broke in half, making it hard to live, hard to breath. She never thought the word was meant to be taken so literal. But that's what she felt. All summer long. All summer long with no contact with Allison, no matter how hard it was.

For about a week and a half she couldn't stop crying. Every night she'd think of Allison and cry wishing she was there with her. After that came the anger. Angry at Allison for what she did, angry at herself for not trying harder. Then soon she became numb to it. Numb to everything. She suspected that was from a myriad of things though, not just Allison. It came from all of the trauma adding up. Making her numb to it all. Sometimes it was nice. She never cried, she never got angry, never felt sad. But she also never felt joy. That soon passed once she removed herself from Beacon Hills.

Over the summer Aaliyah had distanced herself from most of her friends, figuratively and literally. She talked to Scott and Stiles a few times but mostly only spoke to Theo or her brother. None of them knew what he had done at the club over the summer, and none of them would ever know. What's another secret for Aaliyah Dunbar anyway? She was excited to see them once school started, though it was someone else she was worried about. It was the day before her junior year and Allison was coming home, she had been home for only a few days herself.

Aaliyah couldn't bring herself to leave her room, when Scott called her asking if she wanted to come with him to get a tattoo she declined. Just like she had on every other attempt he made to hang out with her. She felt guilty about blowing her best friends off but she didn't wanna risk possibly seeing her ex. Scott told her that it's unlikely to find Allison at a tattoo parlor but Aaliyah wouldn't listen deciding to stay home.

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