chapter 2: into the woods

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[INTO THE WOODS]"the childhood I lost, replaced by fear"

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"the childhood I lost,
replaced by fear"

song: true faith - Ashley Johnson



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     Aaliyah sat on her bed holding back tears as she watched her father drive away through her window. It was the day before the first day of her sophomore spring semester and he had to leave, he had found a job. He was going to New York to hunt a group of unidentified supernatural beings that had been terrorizing midtown Manhattan. He was hired by some rich guy Aaliyah had never heard of. He had gone on business trips before, both for hunting and his day job, a firearm engineer. But this one would be extra-long and extra-dangerous. Plus, Aaliyah hated being left alone with her mother.

Her brother Liam had no knowledge of their parents true jobs. No one ever told him of the supernatural, mostly due to Aaliyah's protectiveness over him and not wanting him to know. When her parents told her, Aaliyah was only 11, much younger than most hunters start, but she had figured out a large part of it on her own through her own snooping. Once her parents knew she knew they told her, and the next week began her training.

Her father, Nicolas Dunbar, taught Aaliyah how to use every weapon he owned, shotguns, hand guns, pistols, automatic guns, arrows, knives, hand-to-hand combat, even nun-chucks and swords. Aaliyah preferred hand guns and knives, but she was good at anything he showed her. The only thing that worried her was the thought that constantly lived in the back of the mind: when he finds out about her, will he kill her?

Part of her knew that her father loved her more than anything, even her brother. But she also knew that he hated the supernatural. She wasn't entirely sure why he hated them so much, she guessed someone he cared about had been killed by a werewolf, he had hinted to it but never told her directly.

Now Aaliyah watched as he left. He left her alone with her mother, and she was pretty mad at him. Before he left he hugged her and told her he loved her, he did the same for Liam. Even after his truck was out of the driveway and was out of sight she still stayed on the same spot on her bed, too upset to move.

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