After that, you probably guessed what happened. We started bickering for the rest of the time and didn't get anything done. Which made our cleaning duties drag on for an additional week.


As you can see, Aiden and I don't go together, especially when it comes to working together; things don't always go right.

"Miller, can you please sit down so we can finally start?" I glanced over at him, sprawled on his bed, casually tossing a small football into the air. His well-defined muscles were noticeable as he turned towards me with a sigh. "I can't find the motivation to start this project," he admitted. "When is it due again?"

"By the end of this month."

He let out a soft "hm" as he continued tossing the ball in the air.

"Miller," I groan. "What can I do to make you start?"

He paused his ball-tossing and turned towards me, his hazel eyes locking onto mine. "You shouldn't ask questions like that, sweetheart," he said softly.

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Just answer my question; I want to get this project over with."

"Okay, okay" He chuckled, his tone teasing. "How about you sit beside me in class for one more month?"

"You really know how to torture me, Miller." I thought about it for a moment, then, with a nod of agreement, I urged him to sit so that we could start.

Responding to my request with a sly smile, he eagerly rose from his bed, stretching his body. As he extended his arms, the fabric of his shirt shifted, briefly revealing the subtle contours of his abs.

This guy has a way of making his abs visible. I know he did it on purpose, with the sly smile he currently has on his face.

I sighed as he finally sat back on his seat, beside me this time.

"No, no, no! Ew, that one was even worse than the last three," I exclaimed with a hint of frustration.

"Thompson," he let out with a sigh.

"They all suck." I couldn't help but shudder with a disgusted look on my face.

"All of these templates look the exact same," he added while running his hand through his hair.

"No, the fonts are different, which makes a huge difference." I corrected

He shook his head. "You're just indecisive."

"Nope, how the template looks is very important."

"We've spent the last ten minutes searching for a template when we could've started the project." Aiden lamented

"Don't blame this on me; you wasted most of the time by throwing that ball in the air for like fifteen minutes."

"You're impossible; you know that."

I shot back, "Same goes to you."

Before we could continue our little banter, the sound of a door opening interrupted us.

I quickly moved away from Aiden, realizing how close we were.

He sighed, "Hi mom."

"It's been such a while since we last met, and you've blossomed into a beautiful young lady," Aiden's mother exclaimed, her face glowing with delight.

She looked a bit older; from the last time we met, her hair was still black but with tiny hints of grey, and her eyes were still beautiful with that mesmerizing hazel colour, one similar to Aiden's.

Checking the time, I realized it was time for me to take my leave. "Well, I should start heading out now. It was lovely to meet you, miss," I politely stated.

With a curious tilt of her head she offered, "Oh, you can call me Madelyn. Are you absolutely certain you don't want to stay for dinner?"

"No, thank you. I really must be on my way."

Aiden came out of his closet while putting a sweater over his head. "Let me drive you home, then."

When we started driving, the sun began its descent, casting a warm glow across the horizon.

The atmosphere was filled with undeniable tension, a lingering reminder of how our previous encounter ended. Today had been a complete disappointment; we did absolutely nothing, thanks to both Aiden and a bit of myself too. I can admit my own fault.

As the sun gradually disappeared below the horizon, its rays danced upon our faces.

I couldn't help but notice Aiden's reaction as he instinctively shielded his eyes from the light. In that moment, the sun accentuated his features, making them more pronounced and captivating.

His dark raven hair framed his face, while his deep hazel eyes sparkled with allure. His dark eyebrows furrowed slightly, adding an air of intensity to his countenance. It was moments like these when Aiden truly revealed his beauty, and I found myself realizing just how attractive he truly was.

Well, mostly because he's not opening his mouth or smirking at every chance he gets.

"Zhera." The deep sound of my name brought me out of my trance.

I let out a soft "yes." I almost whispered. This was one of the few times Aiden had said my name. I can't even remember the other ones.

"When should we do it again?" he inquired, briefly glancing in my direction. I pondered his question for a moment before replying.
"Ah, how about after tomorrow? I'm kind of busy tomorrow."

He let out a soft "mhm", as he deftly manoeuvred the car onto my street. As the car came to a halt in front of my house, I started to gather my things.

"See y'a ," he said with a slight wave.

Returning the gesture, I waved back before gracefully exiting the vehicle. When I finally made my way inside the house, I heard the faint sound of a car driving off.

This chapter was pretty fun to write. Tell me your honest opinions.

wordcount: 1491

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