Everyone gasped.

"Lori!" Leni exclaimed.

"You said a swear word!" Lola pointed.

"I know! And I don't care! You know what I do care about? This family. I care about all of you, and I care about Lincoln! I even care about you, Lynn. That's right. Despite you being the worst offender, you're still my sister. Let me ask you something. Do you care about him?" Lori asked.

Lynn's eyes widened, and she exclaimed, "Of course I do! Why do you think I'm so upset right now?! I'm terrified that I'll lose him forever."

"Then you shouldn't give up on him. The vision orb thingy, changed when you swore you would never let the bad events happen—the one where we're all protecting him from Mom and Dad. Lincoln said so himself that we're capable of change. If he's not giving up on us, then we're not either, and we're especially not giving up on him! So, quit this quitter talk and fight for what you love and believe in."

"Lori's right! We haven't lost him yet. We need to be better sisters. We need to be a better family; I think we have what it takes. It's not something that can happen overnight, but if we keep trying and keep at it, I believe we can be better," Leni stated.

"Amen to that. So, either put your rock on or bum out like a quitter, Lynn," Luna stated, looking her sister square in the eye.

Lynn was quiet for a moment, letting their words sink in. Then she wiped her tears and her nose, "You're right. We haven't lost him yet, and we won't. We have to fight for him, for what's right. I'm gonna protect him, no matter what!"

The girls did a quiet cheer in unison to not wake their parents.

"Including from our parents. Which, by the way, what was that? The vision of all of us protecting Lincoln from Mom and Dad – you guys remember?" Luan asked.

"It could be any number of things. It could be a possible future of them finding out about Lincoln's powers, and we didn't tell them, or we did tell them, and they get upset about it, or it could be something else entirely," Lori said.

"What else would make them do that? What do they do or say that makes Lincoln so upset and us angry?" Lola asked.

"Whatever it is, they must have done something that really upset Lincoln because we all looked so mad at Mom and Dad, especially me, Lori, and Lynn," Luna said.

Lucy hummed, and then a thought came in and softly gasped. Everyone turned to her.

"What would make us that angry? What if they were going to send Lincoln away?" Lucy questioned.

Everyone's eyes widened, "What?!"

"Think about it. Is there anything else that would make us that furious? What if they find out about Lincoln's powers and think it's too much for them to handle? So they send him away?" Lucy theorized.

Lana nodded, "That would make me pretty mad."

"We don't know for certain. That is a possibility, but we need to gather more information before drawing a conclusion. I wish to study Lincoln's powers to learn how they work and see if I can do something about his head pains. For that, I need to examine the rock he talked about. So, if you'll excuse me," Lisa stated before digging underneath Lincoln's bed, "Shoebox, shoebox, shoebox, where are you? Ah, here we go."

Lisa pulled the shoebox Lincoln said the rock was in and rested it on the bed. Inside the box was mainly junk and personal items. Then Lisa found the stone. It was a round, smooth, and shiny rock. It was green with a deep blue swirl in its center, almost like a galaxy. There were sparkly crystals all over it, looking like little stars. Lisa put on some gloves and picked it up with a pair of tongs. The sisters looked at it with awe and amazement.

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