Chapter Seven- Brownies, Nightmare Portals, Emotional Issues, and More!

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  (AN: Apologies for the wait! These next two chapters are going to be Sorin POV's since Forest got the last two, and I hope they'll be worth the wait! Chapter eight should be out within the week. Also, I apologize if there's any awkward formatting on this, I edited it to fit the mobile format but it still looks weird on my computer, so it's kinda 50/50 as to whether it actually got fixed. In any case, thank you for reading, and I hope you all enjoy!)


 Chapter Seven - Join the Dark Side! We have Brownies, Nightmare Portals, Emotional Issues, and More!


 Sorin was seething.

    First of all, how dare Lightfang just show up at their workplace? Sure, it hadn't been intentional, but the least they could've done was just turn around and walk out as soon as they had realized their mistake.

    Instead, that damn fool had just waltzed up to the counter and proceeded to ruin Sorin's critical thinking skills, and now they were gonna have to go through a whole pile of shit from their coworkers.

    And sure, was it nice to have two free weeks of uninterrupted scheming? Of course, but it was hardly worth it when Sorin thought of Desiree's little shriek when Sorin had returned to the counter after witnessing Sorin push Lightfang back against a damn wall for their threats. Thank the gods nobody had been near enough to that corner to see the knife, but to all unassuming eyes Sorin was sure it had looked like a kiss.

    And for that, Sorin was also seethingly angry at themself. Seriously, they couldn't handle interacting with their nemesis for two seconds without doing something ridiculously stupid??

   They had just been picturing Lightfang's adorable blushing face up near theirs like their last encounter on the rooftop, and then all of a sudden Sorin's foolhardy heart had rode off hand in hand with their rage, overriding every sense of caution they had and acting before they even had the chance to consider that it might have been a bad idea. And the worst part was?

    Sorin could barely even bring themself to be truly mad about it.

    The tiny gasp Lightfang had made, the way their eyes had widened once again, even just the tiny nod they had made in answer to Sorin's demands... it was utterly exhilarating seeing that from their usually self-assured nemesis, and Sorin couldn't stand the way they desperately wanted to see it again.

    They supposed this counted as a win, having found a new way to shut Lightfang up for once. But this was not worth it.

    Knowing that Lightfang's reaction had to be from fear was technically a good thing, but Sorin couldn't get past the way their heart was starting to ache at the thought of fear being the only effect they had on their nemesis, when Lightfang was basically an immediate kill switch for every emotion in Sorin's body. It just wasn't fair.

    And to make matters worse, the way that Lightfang still had the damn nerve to continue their constant flirting?

    Sorin was not strong enough for this.

    If their interactions kept being so maddeningly terrible for Sorin's heart, Sorin was simply going to have to distance themself even more from their enemy. It was an easy solution. These pointless feelings were just getting in the way of Sorin's actual ideals, and knowing that Lightfang would never feel the same way just hurt too much for Sorin to continue like this.

    So they had to keep their guard up. At some point, the feelings would fade, right?

    Sorin would simply have to ignore it. Easy.

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