1 - Rookies

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Days had passed since the Red Team suffered their first major defeat. Their flag was still in enemy hands, and to help even the odds, their new rookie had arrived. . .

Simmons: That is not what happened! You got YOUR ass kicked!

Grif: Yeah, he had to kick my ass. You just tripped and fell, and then we lost the flag.

Simmons: Bullshit! The Blue practically had our lives in his hands!

Grif: Then stop just blaming this all on me! Sarge's already given me enough crap!

As the two argued atop the base, Franklin Delano Donut made his presence known.

Donut: Excuse me, uh sirs?

The Reds turned to see another soldier clad in deep crimson, just like their Sergeant.

Grif: Sirs? Aw crap.

Donut: I was told to report to Blood Gulch Outpost Number One and speak to whoever's in charge.

Grif: Sarge's at command figuring out how to get our flag back. No one's in charge today.

The Maroon Solider just smirked.

Simmons: Actually, private. Sarge left me in charge while he's gone.

Grif: Only cause you're such a kiss-ass.

Simmons: He also said if I had any trouble with you. . .

He cleared his throat and prepared his best Sarge impression, getting the sergeant down but missing the southern.

Simmons: "Get in the Warthog and crush your head like a tomato can."

Grif: . . . That's the worst impression I've ever heard.

Back to the topic at hand, they turned back to their new member.

Simmons: Alright, Rookie. What's your story?

Donut straightened his posture and saluted his superiors.

Donut: Private Donut reporting for duty, sir! I'm ready to fight some aliens!

The Orange Soldier shared a glance with his Maroon counterpart before slamming a palm against his visor.

Grif: We're never getting that flag back. . .

Simmons: Nope.

On the other end of Blood Gulch, a Pelican Dropship touched down and delivered the package to Blue Team. . .

A glorious Scorpion Tank.

Oh, and Michael J. Caboose.

Caboose: So I say to the guy, "How are you gonna get the tank down to the planet?" And he goes. . . "I'll just put it on the ship." And I go, "If you've got a ship that can carry a tank, why not just put guns on the ship and use it instead?"

Tucker: Hey Kid.

Caboose: Yeah?

Tucker: You're ruining the moment. Shut up.

Caboose: Oh. Okay. You got it, man!

All four members of Blue Team stood before their newly acquired tank, and could only imagine the destructive potential of their new weapon.

Red Vs Blue, & there's Teal: The Blood Gulch Chronicles!Where stories live. Discover now