(Chapter - 4) Childe

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While passing time till break time Y/n had chats with Heizou here and there. She liked his company sure he was annoying at times but he was also very caring which she liked. Also she read a file about Childe and found out that, that idiot actually ended up getting caught up in a dog murder case. Apparently the dog who died was owned by a rich man and he ended up filing a case on Childe.

Ugh what a dumb ass.


Soon break time came Y/n felt a bit anxious as she started thinking about the what ifs if it wont work out and Y/n ends up getting caught. That's when Heizou noticed that and asked her,

(Y/n pov):

"Why are you so nervous?"

"I'm not nervous?" I asked confused.

"You look nervous though."

"I'm not really nervous its just been a long time since I interrogated someone again and also because this guy's case is so dumb."

He chucked "Yeah Imagine getting caught up in some kind of dog murder case" He laughed making fun of Childe.

"I know right like how dumb can you even be to get caught up in something like that??" I started laughing too.

"I don't know but ask him that while you interrogate him. To be honest I think this guy is innocent because he didn't even know where that owner's house was."

"Yeah I think hes innocent too!"

"Its good that we're on the same page Y/n." He smiled at me.

I smiled back at him, "Yes now I need to prepare my speech so I know exactly what to say when I talk to him."

He chuckled "Okay all the best partner."


Finally it was time for me to interrogate Childe I am actually quite excited to meet Childe after a long time. I really didn't expect us to be meeting in these circumstances, but knowing Childe he is dumb enough to get arrested again while being the Victim or something. I still wonder how this idiot ended up getting arrested for murdering a dog of a rich person. I just reread the files and found out this idiot got caught into this mess and Scaramouche wanted me to get him off of this.

Couldn't he have done this on his own?? How bothersome.

I walked inside the room where Childe was locked in for almost 2 weeks I think and immediately saw Childe's eyes widen which meant he recognized me.

"Hey Childe. Your safe to talk as you like for uh 13 mins." I said smiling as I rechecked the time. "But after now 12 mins act like you were telling me a sob story or something."

He chuckled "Hey girlie I did not expect you to be here... Don't tell me Scaramouche sent you here." He laughed.

"Yes he sent me here but he has my dad. He's telling me that my dad betrayed fatui I don't know if that's true..." I said looking down sad.

He soon Caught up on my sadness and his expression changed from his always playful expression to worried one. "Wait he did what? Oh no is your dad okay?"

"I don't know... I haven't met him yet."

"Oh why exactly are you here anyways?"

"Well obviously to get you out of this stupid case and I unfortunately have a time limit. Also how the hell did you even manage to get caught up into this mess?? Like a dog murder case? Aren't you rich cant you get out of here with money??"

"Okay first off all don't remind me about my pathetic situation and the officers in Inazuma are very annoying they don't even take money! Like why are they so truthful? I don't like these people. Wait how much time do we have left?"

My eyes widen as I check time 2 mins phew good thing Childe reminded me about time or I would've had to join him. "2 mins but don't worry I'll get you out of here now, tell me a sob story I'll act like I understand it." I said the last sentence in a whisper.

"OH okay wait hmm okay got it!" He said suddenly and started "I then went back home and when I was at home alone a bunch of officers arrested me! I was just trying to go back home after a long day to rest but I guess that's what I get for being a ginger. Everyone just picks on me..."

I was holding in laughter when he said that last sentence then I began, "Well I'm sorry that happens to you Ajax I also feel like you are innocent here so I will try to let you go." I gave him a smile and left.

As soon as I left that room I was met by Heizou who looked like he was waiting for me in front of the room. I slightly panicked thinking maybe the camera caught all the footage of us talking and hes here to arrest me. But then he spoke,

"So how was it?"

"Oh uhm I think it was interesting? Well I feel like a guy like him would never hurt a fly and let alone kill a dog. He's quite childlike."

"Yeah exactly! That's what I've been trying to say to Ms. Sara but she doesn't listens to me!" He said frustrated.

"Oh do you want me to talk to her? If you want we both can go and talk to her." I said smiling.

"Hmm sure lets go." He doesn't lets me say anything and just grabs my hand and walks me there. I didn't mind as I felt a bit relieved that Childe would be out soon and I may get to atleast see my dad.

We soon reach Ms. Sara office and I knock on the door while Heizou let's go off my hand.

"Come in" I hear Ms. Sara's voice and get in.

"Hello Ms. Sara!" I said cheerfully.

"Ah hello Y/n and... Heizou?" She said.

"Wow. Seriously why are you even surprised to see me?? Its not like I never come here." Heizou said offended.

"No it's just I'm surprised to see the both of you together here Y/n's been reporting me about the work she has done everyday but you never report me anything and I was expecting Y/n here anyways." Sara said rolling her eyes at Heizou.

"Well atleast I do my job!" He said in defence.

"Yes but you slack off mostly." Sara said.

"Okay okay whatever now's not the time to talk about my productivity. As you know Y/n talked to Ajax She'd like to let you know about what happened there and also to say that I was indeed right that he was an innocent." He said.

"Yes.. Ms. Sara, Ajax doesn't seems like the type to be doing something like that. He's very childlike so I doubt he would do something like that." I said.

"Well Heizou did mention that but I didn't believe him but I will believe you Y/n as your more trust worthy than him." Sara said smiling at me.

"Im still here." Heizou said.

"I know. Now release Ajax tomorrow while your at it also apologies to him for punching him when you were catching him." Sara said directing it to Heizou to while I imagined that and tried to hold in my laughter while Heizou side eyed Sara.

"Yeah whatever I'm going bye ladies." He said and left.

"Uhm well I'll leave too Ms. Sara bye have a good day!" I said and left too.


I love you bbgrill <3


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