Chapter Seventeen

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He remembers how she suggested they leave Goku behind while he was fighting Frieza, then squared up to him when he protested against the idea, she basically called him a weak distraction, and that's what started the bitter feelings towards her. He didn't want to admit she had been right in that situation, as she was following Goku's righteous request.

Then right before Frieza killed Krillin, Goku and Piccolo had got into a small disagreement when Goku told him Xylias would be coming back to Earth with them. Goku was adamant in saying she would be a good addition to their group, after only knowing her for a few short hours. Piccolo hadn't liked the idea, especially when Goku told him that he had promised Xylias that he would ensure Frieza's death, which ended up prolonging their stay at that particular time when they could've escaped. At that time it seemed they were no match to the Emperor, even if he had wanted Frieza to die.

It was very unlike Goku to seek out the death of another being— and Piccolo had worried in that moment that Xylias had manipulated Goku's naivety to make him go against his core belief of mercy and second chances, and now Goku was gone. His sacrifice had cut deep into the Namekian, who had just formed a bond with the Saiyan, and Piccolo couldn't help but think about how things could've been different.

He still didn't know whether or not they could trust her, if she had ulterior motives.

Turning to look into his eyes, Xylias could see Piccolo's hesitance to speak to her, so she decides to be upfront. "I just wanted to say... I'm sorry for what I said to you back on Namek, it wasn't right for me to insult you and throw the death of your people into your face, it was a heartless thing to say in the heat of the moment." she says earnestly, her golden orbs imploring him.

Xylias takes a deep breath, "I also can't help but feel... guilt over how everything turned out on Namek... but I want you to know that I intend to make things right with you and your people, for Kakarot's sake." she says with sincere conviction.

Her voice drops lower, almost to a whisper. "It... should've been me who stayed, I should've been stronger, Kakarot deserved better."

Piccolo is taken aback by her upfront apology, and is humbled to find that he appreciates the sentiment, and a newfound respect for the Saiyan is gained. Looking back on their previous interactions the picture is suddenly clear. He always found it difficult to admit when he was wrong, but here she was bearing her shortcomings and guilt to him with ease. There was more to her actions than he had originally saw, things she probably couldn't have helped, and he realizes his anger might've clouded over seeing her true intentions from the beginning.

"Hey! There you are!" the high pitched voice of Bulma calls out to them before Piccolo can respond, the blunette suddenly appearing beside Xylias, clutching her arm.

"You didn't think you could sneak in here without me noticing, did ya?" Bulma says to Xylias with a wink, pulling her away from the Namekian.

Xylias looks back to Piccolo as Bulma leads her away and their eyes meet. Piccolo gives her a small smile and nods to her firmly, conveying his forgiveness. A corner of her mouth curls up into a smirk and she nods back at him, feeling somewhat lighter now that she had voiced a piece of the guilt she'd been holding inside.

When she turns back to look out in front of her she is suddenly aware of everyone's eyes being on her. Gohan and Krillin wave at her, which she nods to them in response.

"Now that we're all here, you guys can officially meet each other! Xylias, this is the group! Or well... most of it." She chuckles

"You already know Krillin and Gohan. This is Master Roshi, Puar, Oolong, and Chi-Chi!" she adds excitedly, pointing to the person after she says their name.

Proud & Powerful (Goku OR Vegeta x FOC)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu