Thane: Or I'll kill you.

Zina: Hmph.

Zina: Tell me, Champion of Death... Do you have something to lose?


Zina: Because I do. Everyone down in the city. All their lives are at stake if you pass me.

Zina: So understand this. You're facing a woman...(reels arm back) WHO'LL STOP AT NOTHING TO WIN!!

Throwing a punch, Thane is impacted by a magical force. He decays his body to lessen the force but at that moment he feels the hotpot of souls, which takes away all his senses in his decayed state.

Thane: Urgk!

Forcing his soul back, Thane could tell this battle would be an extremely uncomfortable battle in every possible sense.

He flung himself upward, to slash at Zina.

Back down in the city, Lilly, Sky, Clover, and Henrietta were battling against three Guardians. The battle was somewhat difficult, for these three had powerful magic and were able to use it almost constantly.

Clover: Fascinating... So much magical power... It's rare to see this many, this young... I wonder if they breed them?

Henrietta clashed her axe against the iron foot of Tora. Her opponent was fast, but her blessing to perceive space 360° in all directions, made it simple to see all her attacks.


Lilly sparred with Dok, matching everyone's blow he could send her way, along without speeding him.

Lilly: These guys are fun to fight.

Dok: Don't toy with us, woman!

Lilly: I will continue to toy with you until you pull out your A game.

Clover: Yes. It's painfully obvious that you're holding back.


A young green man arrives at the scene.

(Dark Spell Borod)

Borod: Hey! Guys! The area has been evacuated!

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Borod: Hey! Guys! The area has been evacuated!

Clover: I sense a change in the tides of battle.

Dok: You asked us to stop holding back... So let us oblige.

Lifting up his hammer, Dok brings it down to the ground.


Color began to fade, as the champions felt an extremely heavy pressure upon them. This pressure shattered the ground and nearby buildings.

Clover and Sky were having a hard time standing. Henrietta was strong enough to be fine, and Lilly was unaffected unt

Clover: O-Oh well this is just lovely! Now let me guess, you all have some type of effect on the field.

Evin begins playing a song that causes visible ripples in the air which moves Dok's pressure. The Champions were then bombarded with what felt like heavy storm waves from every direction.

From afar, Scott watched the battle.

From afar, Scott watched the battle

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Scott: I should probably go help them.

He begins strolling in the direction of the battle.

???: Psssst!

Scott: Hm?

A pale lady in a cloak and leather, with several daggers caught Scott's attention. Especially with her unbuttoned front.

(Sharp Rain Mellowdy)

Mellowdy: Why don't you let the grown-ups play with each other?

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Mellowdy: Why don't you let the grown-ups play with each other?


Scott: I didn't think an outfit worse than Henrietta's existed...

Scott: Child. Cover yourself up and have some dignity.

He attempts to leave but feels something on his coat. Scott turns back to find daggers pinning the tail of his coat to the soil.


In the blink of an eye, Scott was continuing on his path, confusing Mellowdy, who persistently threw knives at the young Champion of Time to find all her attacks missed.

Mellowdy: Hmmm....

Henrietta took Sky and Clover out of the field of pressure by cutting a hole through space with her axe. Tora and Borod chased after them, leaving Lilly to take on Dok and Evin.

Clover: Three against two?

Sky: Enough playing around. Let's hurry and knock them out before-

Eve arrives, swinging off of a blood whip.

Sky: Giara give me strength...

Henrietta: Can we afford to hold back?

Sky: Like it or not, these people are just scared. No different from a wild animal. They don't deserve death.

Tora: Eve, the area is clear. We can go all out.


Tora: Hm?

Borod: Are you okay?

Eve: Hm? Y-yeah just... Nevermind.

The image of Thane plagued her mind. Something real and furious in the way he spoke to her struck a chord with Eve's flight or fight instincts.

Tora: Focus! We've got to put these fools down!

To be continued.....

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