When you have a anxiety attack

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You got lost in Slender Woods, it was like a giant maze. You didn't know which way to go. It was overwhelming. That was then you had a anxiety attack. Thoughts were rushing through your head, your breathing was heavy,and your heart was pounding. "Y/n" Slender had heard your thoughts and when to find you. "Slender you found me!" You were so relieved. Slenderman took you back to the mansion.

Jeff the Killer
You were hiding in the closet because you were having an anxiety attack. You were breathing really fast. Jeff found you holding yourself with your head down. "Y/n are you okay?" "N-no." "What's wrong?" "An-anxiety." "Oh my gosh!" Jeff held you in his arms to calm you down. "It's going to be okay."

Ben Drown
You were having an anxiety attack from trying to balance your homework and your time with video games. All the stress was building up. Ben came in to see what was going on. "Are you okay? You weren't moving at all." Ben saw a tear dropped on one of your school papers. "Ben...I'm falling behind on my schoolwork. I can't balance work and fun." You started to cry and have a breakdown. " Whoa, whoa, whoa. You need to take a break and let your mind calm down." Ben pulls you into a hug. "But I don't want to fall behind in school." "You won't, but you need to take care of your mental health." "What do you want to do? Play games with you? I think it's only going to make it worse." "No, go take a nap. It'll refresh your mind." "Okay." "Do you want me to cuddle with you?" "Yes please."

Eyeless Jack
You had a very bad mental meltdown. You locked yourself in your room and didn't try to take deep breaths. It got so bad that you passed out. You woke up in bed to see E.J. with a wet cloth on your forehead. "Jack, what happened?" "You passed out from a anxiety attack. Why didn't you take deep breaths?" "I don't know. I guess I was lost in thoughts." "You need to take deep breaths when you have an anxiety attack, because of you don't you'll pass out from stress." "Sorry Jack, things just haven't been good lately." "Let's talk about it."

Ticci Toby
Toby heard you crying in your room. He went to see what's wrong. "Are you ok Honeycomb?" He didn't hear you reply, so he went inside. We saw you crying next to your bed. " Honeycomb what's wrong?" "I'm just having a bad day!" Toby released you're having a anxiety attack. He ran to give you a hug. "It's okay Honeycomb, I've had days like this before." He then kissed you on the cheek.

You were watching Marble Hornets. Seeing how violent it is, it made you very afraid. You shut your laptop off and ran to your bed. You laid there breathing heavily in fear. You were scared that someone was going to kill you. Without looking, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You screamed thinking that someone was going to kill you, "Y/n!" It was Masky. "Oh Tim, it just you." "What wrong?" "I though you were going to kill me in my sleep!" "It's ok, nothing's going to hurt you."

You were remembering the toxic relationships you had which triggered an anxiety attack. It made you think that Brian was going to do the same thing to you. You were constantly rocking yourself back and forth, breathing heavily. Hoodie came running towards you. "Y/n! Y/n! Can you hear me?!" Hearing him snapped you out of the clouds. "Brian?" "Y/n, what's wrong? You were having a panic attack." You cried your eyes out as you tell him. "I don't want us to have a toxic relationship like I've always had." "Babe, that won't happen to us, I promise." Brian hugs you while you cry.

Laughing Jack
Jack and you were on a ferris wheel. The Ferris wheel had stopped at the top, it was so high. "Whoa, we're very high up!" "I know! You can see everything!" Jack was injoying it but you were petrified. "Pumpkin? Aren't you liking it?" "N-no...it's too high." Jack realized that you were having a panic attack. "Here, hold my hand till we get down." "Okay." He held your hand the whole ride until the two of you finally made it down. You guys got off the ride and you were still shaking. "Jack, I think I had enough for today."

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