When you're hurt 🤕

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You got Slenderman mistaken for his brother Offender man. Offender had rapped you. "Offender! Stop!" Slender had shown up on time. Slenderman had token care of his brother and help with what ever he did he to you. "I'm sorry for my brother." "No it's my fault. I thought he was you." "Be careful next time."

Jeff the Killer
Jeff was being attacked by Jane (they're fighting again 🙄) you were watching the whole thing. "How could someone like you be with someone like her when you killed all those people?!" "You don't know her like I do!" Jane was about to stab Jeff when you got in front of him. "Y/N!" "Look what you made me do!" "Jane! That's enough!" Slenderman took Jane away. Jeff rushed you to Nurse Ann. "Will she be ok?" "Yes, she was brave enough to sacrifice herself for you." Jeff went up to you "you shouldn't have done that." "I couldn't let her kill you." "I won't let that which near you again."

Ben Drown
You were trying to fix the game station. You accident got shocked by one of the wires. "Y/N! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" You heard a voice, it was Ben. "What happened?" "You were fixing the PlayStation when got shocked." You remembered what happened. "Oh, yeah." Ben put you in bed "get some rest, I'll take care of the ps5."

Eyeless Jack
"Jack, are you okay?" Jack was losing control of his sanity again. "Jack, look at me." Jack then turned his head to you, he was growling and had black saliva coming out of his mouth. "Jack?!" Just then, Jack attacked you! "AHHHHHHHHHH!" He scratched your arm and it left a big scratch bleeding out. As you saw Jack in this state, your eyes teared up "Jack, please" then Jack snapped out of it. Jack pulled himself together trying to remember what happened. "Y..y/n?" Jack saw the scratches on your arm. "Y/N I'M SORRY!" He hesitated, he backed up from you. He think now you're afraid of him. "I'm...I'm so sorry." Jack said "Jack, it's not your fault." "But I did this to you. I hurt you." "It was an accident, you couldn't help it." "You've not afraid of me?" "No I couldn't never be afraid of you, I love you." "I love you too. Let's go fix your arm."

Ticci Toby
Just because Toby can't feel pain, doesn't mean you can't. "Ow!" You got a splitter in your finger. "What happened?!" Toby said. "I got a splitter in my finger." When Toby gets a splitter he just pulls it out right away, but for you it'll be painful "Don't worry y/n, I'll get it out." Toby grabbed the splitter and starts pulling it out. "Ow!" "It hurts?" "Yes" "It never hurts when I get a splitter." "That's because you can't feel pain!" "Oh, right. Sorry, I'll be more careful." Toby continues to pull the splitter out of your finger until he finally got it out. "Got it!" "Thank you Toby, I need to get a bandaid now." "Here, let me." Toby wanted to apologize for hurting you while trying to get out the splitter, so he got you a bandaid and put it on you.

You were cleaning up Tim's cigarettes. He has them all over the floor. "Tim! You need to throw away your cigarettes after you're done smoking!" "Whatever!" As you were putting them into the trash, you got burnt. "Ouch! That hurts! "What happened?!" Masky ran to you to see if you're okay. "Your stupid cigarette burnt me!" Masky looks at your hand, the burn looked bad. "For now on, I'll clean up my cigarettes. So you don't get burned anymore." "Thanks, I appreciate it." Ever since then, you never had to clean up after Masky anymore.

Hoodie was filming with his camera and actually hit you in the head with it. "Ow!" "Oh! I'm so sorry y/n!" "It's ok Brian, I know you didn't mean to." "I'll get you an ice pack."

Laughing Jack
Sometimes Jack accident poke you with his nose, but you know it's an accident. (Sorry I couldn't think of anything else.😅)

Homicidal Liu
Liu noticed you were covered in blood, scratches, and bruises. "Y/N! What happened?!" You ran into his arms crying "I was coming home when...I got attacked." "Attacked by who?" Liu said with a angry tone. You continue to sob, "I don't know who he was but he..." "Stop, try not to think about it. Let's take care of your wounds." Liu got out the first aid kit. He washed off the blood, bandaged up your cuts, and put cream on your bruises. He also got you some ice. "Shall I finish what I was saying earlier?" "No, I don't want you to remember that awful experience. Come here, we'll cuddle." You and Liu just spent the night cuddling together.

Bloody Painter
You were helping Helen put up some paint. "Can you put those up on the shelf?" "Sure Helen." You grabbed a step stool and put the paint on the shelf, but you lost your balance and fell! "Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY?!" "I think I hit my head." You said as you rubbed your head. "Let me see." Helen checked for a bump. "That looks sore, let's get you an ice pack." Helen then got you some ice for your head. Then he finish putting up the rest of the pain by himself.

The Puppeteer
You were practicing for a show when you fell off the stage! You had to go to the hospital to get a cast on your leg. You were sad that you couldn't dance for months. Puppeteer then showed up. "I heard about what happened." "Don't think your golden strings will help me dance this time." "Just because you can't dance, doesn't mean you shouldn't watch the show." He got his puppets and made them dance. It made you feel better having your own personal puppet show.

Jason the ToyMaker
When Jason came to see you, you were covering your eye. "Y/n?" "Hu? Oh hi Jason." You looked down hoping Jason wouldn't see your eye. "Why are you covering your eye?" "It's nothing." "Let me see!" Jason removed your hand from your face to see that you have a black eye. Jason was shocked "What happened?!" "It's nothing, I just fell." "No, tell me the truth! Did someone hurt you?!" You began to cry "It was my dad!" "He... he did this to you?" "He saids that I'm a really bad person because I do things that he doesn't like." "Which is?" "Giving things to homeless people and poor families. I just wanted to help them." "Y/n, you're not a bad person for helping them, your father's the one who's a bad person!" "You think what I do is good?" "Of course, you help those who are unfortunate. My parents weren't supportive to me either." "Wow, I'm sorry Jason." "Don't be, first I'll take care of your eye then I'll take care of your father."

Nathen the Nobody
You walk up to Nathen, "Hey, Nathen?" Nathen then hit you! "Y/N?!" You had a red mark on your face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" "It's ok Nath, I understand you." Nathen then got you an ice pack for your face. "Here." "Thanks." "Dose it still hurt?" "A little, but overall I'm ok."

You and Vine were dancing, as you were about spin around Vine accidentally twisted your arm! "Ah!" "Oh! I'm sorry y/n!" He looked at your arm "I guess I'd got carried away from me working on my dolls." "I think I'll be ok." You got your arm in a cast.

Dr. Smiley
Dr. Smiley is checking your wounds from a car crash. "Is it bad?" You asked him, "Your cuts look deep, they're probably infected." He gets out the disinfectant. "This is going to sting." He then put it on your cuts. "Ow! That hurt." He continued to clean your cuts then bandaged them.

Dark Link
Dark Link was practicing his sword. You were next to him when he swang at you. The sword cut your arm! The good news is your arm didn't get cut off, the bad news is you're bleeding. Link had to rap your arm in a bandage.

Glitchy Red
You and Red were playing Pokémon Go. "Red! I found one!" You ran to him only to trip on your shoe lease. You fell scraped your knee. "Wo y/n! That was quite a fall! Are you okay?" "I'm okay, but my knee is bleeding." Red put a bandaid on your knee. "Shall we continue playing?" "Ok, but let me know if your knee hurts." "I will."

Lost Silver
You were trying to help Silver off the bed but he'd ended up head butting you! "Sorry y/n." Silver said with a frown. "Hey, it was an accident. I know you didn't mean to." "I want to make it up to you." He felt bad for hurting you. "You don't have to Silver." "But I feel bad." "Does this make you feel better?" You kiss him on the cheek, Silver blushes.

Hobo Heart
You were in a car accident, Hobo got you out and took you to the hospital. You woke up seeing Hobo. "What happened?" "You got injured in a car crash." "Sorry if I scared you." He touched your face with tears in his eyes "I've never felt this in my heart before, I'd never know how much it hurts." "It's ok to feel that sometimes, it's so someone knows how much you care for them." Hobo stayed by your side the whole time you were in the hospital.

Chess Master
"I got the chess board!" "Good, bring it on over!" As you step down the stool, you drop the chess board and it landed on your toe. "Ow! My toe!" "Are you okay?" "The chess board landed on my toe." "We'll take care of that toe then we can play."

You were cleaning Cody's bat with nails. One of the nails scratched you. You told him about it. "Hopefully it doesn't get infected from the rust." Cody got some ointment on the scratch so it won't get infected.

(Sorry this took so long, I was having writers block. Give me some ideas for more chapters in this book.)

CreepyPasta boyfriend scenario Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora