12 - treatment

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Inseong Baek was being tortured by Chan and Minho. They were trying to make him spill as much information as possible so that they would have the Baek gang under them. So that their only enemy, in Korea, would be the Jeon gang.

As the two men aren't afraid of bringing the worst out of them for such matters, they had made the little son spill a lot already. Even locations where the evidence was stored was spilled. So they sent some other men to get them. The information that was spilled would make it so they can't say no to the offer of becoming loyal to the Hwangs and Seongs. The only other option was jail for the rest of their lives, for every single gang member.

While Chan and Minho try to get some more out of Inseong, Hyunjin was treating Y/n's wounds. She had a few scratches that didn't really need any treatment, but Hyunjin was worried, so he still cleaned them very gently, putting a cute sticker on top of them.

"I didn't know you liked Hello Kitty." she said as she watched him stick the tenth sticker onto her skin. "Soojin gave them to me." he replied. Silence filled the room for a few seconds. "She must be shocked, right?"

Felix was currently trying to calm down a shocked and confused Soojin. He also had the duty of explaining the whole mafia thing.

"Probably.... You were also shocked." Hyunjin said as he finished treating her scratches and moved her hair out of the way so he could look at the wound on her head. He first cleaned it, as there was still some blood on her forehead.

"You really shouldn't do things on your own." Hyunjin said with a sad look on his face. "Well, it's not like you were really that prepared. You just started shooting." "That's different." "No, it isn't." "It is. I have experience, you don't." "I know how to fight." "That's doesn't matter when you go against an actual mafia gang."

She pouted. She thought she did pretty well even though she got hurt quite badly. "I was really worried about you." Hyunjin said as he put the last bandages on the wound.

Without thinking, she grabbed his cheeks and gave him a quick peck on the lips. Hyunjin was stunned for a bit. "What was that for?" he asked, questioning within himself if that actually happened. "For treating my wound." she said.

Y/n stood up but was immediately dragged down onto his lap. "I'd say that I deserve a bit more than that. I did save you....." he said and pulled her waist as close to his body as possible. She teasingly gently put her forehead against his. "I guess so."

Seconds after saying that, Hyunjin placed his lips on hers. Their lips melted onto each other. Hyunjin couldn't get enough of her. He bit her lower lip, making her gasp, slipping his tongue in. Her hands made its way to his hair.

She slightly pushed him away to catch her breath. "I might be okay with you being my fiancé." she said. Hyunjin smirked. "Let me make you certain about it." he said as he made them lie down. His hand moved on its own, and made its way under her shirt.

He flipped them so that he was slightly on top of her. His lip moves from her lips to her jaw, to her neck. His hand slowly went up, giving her shivers all over her body.

A loud bang was heard from the door. They ignored it at first but after hearing it for the fifth time, Hyunjin got annoyed. "We'll finish this later." he whispered in her ear before standing up, making Y/n a blushing mess.

While he walked to the door, he tried to hide the fact that something heated had happened a few seconds ago. He opened the door and saw Minho. "You should take a look at what we found. Your father wants an uodate from you." he said.

Hyunjin cursed both Minho and his father in his head. They had the worst timing. Nevertheless, he still left the room to go do as he was ordered to do by his father while Y/n tried to calm down her heart.



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