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Y/n was sound asleep in Hyunjin's bed after Felix had brought her there. Due to shock, she had fainted.

Hyunjin never felt bad about killing someone or the mafia stuff he has to do. It was normal to him. He loved seeing others being terrified of him, but when he saw how scared Y/n was, it did something to him.

He sat there on the chair, glancing over at her resting body. It was actually quite funny to him. Never did he care about being called a 'maniac', but to hear it being said in her voice wasn't something he couldn't care about. It hurt him.


"He used a sword?! Oh dear. The girl must have been terrified." Mrs Hwang said. "She was in danger." Mr Hwang said. "She discovered the truth not too long ago. She isn't used to this kind of thing." "She should get used to it. She's his fiancée." "She is so how could you just say it like that."


Y/n woke up. She slowly opened her eyes and freaked out when she didn't recognize the room.

"You're in my room." she heard him say. She turned her head to him. She was reminded of that horrific scene. She quickly shook it off, thinking he was there to save her.

If he had wanted to harm her, she would've been harmed long ago. He had plenty of opportunities. Even if that might've started a war between the two mafia gangs.

"Are you hurt?" he asked. She shook her head. "Thank goodness." he mumbled, but she had heard him loud and clear.

It stayed silent for a bit. "Are you hurt?" she then asked, realizing he did fight some guys. "I'm alright." he answered.

The door suddenly opened, and for some reason, Y/n felt the need to sit properly. As if she was in her boyfriend's room and had to behave. Mrs Hwang walked into the room.

"MOM?! CAN'T YOU KNOCK?!" Hyunjin said all flustered. "Why? Were you planning to do something?" she asked, obviously teasing her son. Hyunjin's face turned bright red. She silently laughed before focusing her attention on Y/n.

"Are you alright, dear?" she asked. She nodded. "He's such an idiot. Who pulls out a sword when you're going to save a girl? Forgive him. He's not the smartest, but I'm sure he'd be a fine husband." she said and winked. Y/n just awkwardly laughed.

"Well..... I won't keep you from whatever Hyun was imagining." she said and walked towards the door again. "MOM!" Hyunjin was a tomato. "Dinner's ready in an hour, be downstairs on time. Both of you." she said and left the room.

Y/n turned her gaze from the door to Hyunjin. When she saw his expression, she grabbed one of the pillows behind her and threw it at him. "SHE'S LYING!" "Then why is your face so red?!" "I DONT KNOW." "And you want me to believe that? Until you become normal again, don't come any inch closer to me."

Hyunjin was about to say something when he changed his mind. "Or else?" he asked and stood up from the chair, slowly getting closer to Y/n. "Go play with a sword or something, you pervert." she said, grabbing the other pillow behind her, ready to throw it at him. But he stopped her by holding onto her wrists.

Then they just sat there, looking deeply into each other's eyes. Being inches away from each other, creating a certain tension. Which was broken by Y/n's thought.

"Why did they call you my fiancé." "What? Oh, that... uhmm. It's actually quite funny." Hyunjin nervously replied as he let go of her, standing up and creating some distance between them.

"Your dad kinda made a deal with mine. And I kinda agreed." he said as he took a few steps towards the door.

"YOU AGREED?!" She was mad. Which was her right, she didn't even know of it. A pillow was thrown and Hyunjin rushed out of the room, scared of the fact that she might throw something that wasn't soft.

"Since when did you know?" she asked, trying to sound calm as she went to the door. ""5 years....."

Her hand was between the door and the wall, making sure so that he couldn't close the door. "I didn't know we would meet again." he said, slightly panicking as she managed to open the door more.

"I'll give you three seconds." she said and glared at him. Without a second thought, he let go of the door and ran.

To others, it might have seemed as two kids playing around, but one of them was running for his life. He had learned that the one thing he should for in life was women, and he sure did understand why. Women have absolutely no mercy.



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