3 - party

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"So she is associated with them. Well, then that makes it clear. We will start as soon as we can." said the man on the big chair to the man who gave him the photos.


"Why are they throwing this party again?" Y/n asked her friends. "An anniversary of something. I think...." Soojin replied as the three friends walked into the decorated gymnasium.

Don't get the wrong idea. After some stressful weeks, they were all ready for a party.

Soojin was simping over a guy she had liked for too long of a time, according to Y/n. He didn't even know her name, so it clearly was a waste of time.

In the meantime, Felix and Y/n were gulping down some alcohol. "Lix?" "Hmm?" "Shall we just leave her and go dance over there?" He glanced over at Soojin and looked back at Y/n. "Yeah, let's go dance." he replied and gently grabbed a hold of her hand, leading her through the crowd.

While walking through the crowd, Hyunjin and Felix made eye contact. They didn't exchange any words, but they both knew about the situation.

Y/n didn't know it then, but Felix and Hyunjin knew each other and the other two men. He was shocked when he saw them the other day, but it was quite logical now.

As Hyunjin passed by Y/n, they had eye contact as well. He winked at her, which made her slightly blush. She was sure it was because of the alcohol.

Felix had sneakily been checking his surroundings, and he did notice some guys that weren't supposed to be there. '"Are you okay?" she asked as she leaned closer to his ear. "Yeah, why?" he asked. She scanned his face for a bit. She was worried about him. "Let's take a breather." she said and grabbed his arm. Gently leading him to the exit of the gymnasium.

Felix and she walked through the decorated halls. It was quiet. It's a bit too quiet, and Y/n didn't like that for one bit. Suddenly, the lights start to flicker.

"Is this suddenly a haunted house attraction?" Y/n asked as she laughed at her own joke. She looked back at Felix. He looked serious.

Then the lights stopped flickering. It was pitch black in the halls. Only a little source of light was a streetlight that shone into the windows. It was enough to see Felix's silhouette.

"I think there's something wrong with this school." she said to lighten up the mood. "Y/n?" "Yes?" "I need you t-" The sounds of footsteps interrupted him. Y/n turned around and saw the silhouette of a man. Or so she thought, suddenly there were four silhouettes in front of her.

Felix went to stand in front of Y/n, while two other men came next to her friend. "Lix, what's going on?" she asked, being a bit scared.

"Things don't have to be difficult. Just hand her over." "Yeah. I don't think so." Felix replied, which revolved in hum getting punch in the stomach.

A hand grabbed a hold of Y/n's arm, and she was dragged to another hallway. She was pinned against the wall. "What the fvck?!" she screamingly whispered as she tried to get his hands off her. "Calm down. I'm helping you." the brunette said. "Helping? I don't even know who the fvck you are?!"

"We've met before." "That doesn't mean that I know you. Let go of me." she said and pushed him away. "I'm Hyunjin, or for you arrogant bastard." he said. "Oh y-" "They went this way!" Y/n was interrupted by a man's voice, and footsteps followed along.

Hyunjin knew they were about to come around the corner, so he did the one thing that could cost him his life. "I'm sorry." he said as he looked into her eyes. "Wha-" she was once again interrupted. He smashed his lips onto hers while pulling her as close as possible to him. He put her hands around his neck, and a few seconds later, the men came around the corner.

"Eww gross.... I think they went left." they heard. Without realizing it, Hyunjin had deepend the kiss. Y/n did go along with it, but only to not be caught.

She pushed him away when they couldn't hear them anymore. He got slapped the second he let go of her. "What was that for?!" "What do you mean what was that for? You shouldn't just kiss someone like that." she said.

Suddenly, footsteps approached them. Felix, Minho, and Chan came around the corner. "Are you okay?" Felix worriedly asked her. "Yes. I'm fine." she said.

"Why is your cheek so red?" Chan asked Hyunjin. "Don't worry about it." he said. Felix turned to Hyunjin. "We should go." he said. "Go? What about Soojin?" Y/n asked. "I'll text her. Let's just go for now." Felix said and gently grabbed her hand.



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