Twenty Four ♡

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It had been about 4 years since Ryuwon had returned when Jungkook came across the photo of Xdinary Heroes on the internet. It was a neatly taken group photo from the behind the scenes of some music show, but that wasn't what interested Jungkook.

His attention was completely snagged by the platinum blonde man smiling at the camera. He was standing at the front and pointing at his friend. The singer recognised him in an instant.

Park Seongjun.

Yoongi and Ryuwon's lost love.

After doing a quick google search and figuring out that the man - Kim Jungsu - was born in 2001, the same as Seongjun. He texted the image to Namjoon to double check against the old group drawing in case his memory was failing him.

Yoongi called him half an hour later in tears, both to confirm the male's identity and to thank him.

It took Yoongi and Ryuwon almost a day to track down where the Xdinary Heroes' dorm was located, the younger calling in as many favours as he could with the JYP staff he knew.

It was all a blur, and then the pair were standing outside of the apartment, hearts pounding and minds racing. Ryuwon knocked on the door, but there was no reply. Just as she was about to knock again, a voice called to them from down the hall. "Can we help you?"

They turned to see six men in their early 20s. Xdinary Heroes. Jungsu recognised them in a second. His jaw dropped and his eyes became glassy. "Oh my God..." he ran over, throwing his arms around their necks and holding them tightly. The pair of them kissed his hair and whispered sweet things in his ears.

"SUGA...? What's going on?" One of the band members asked. He had coconut hair and eyebrows raised so high they almost disappeared off his forehead.

Jungsu pulled back, swallowing a lump in his throat, before turning to address his friends. "Guys, I'd like you to meet Min Yoongi and Kim Ryuwon. My boyfriend and my girlfriend. The loves of my entire being." Jungsu smiled grandly.

The man with candy floss hair frowned. "Wait what? I'm confused."

The trio chuckled. "Let's go inside. We can explain everything," Yoongi said, eyes barely leaving his younger boyfriend for a second.

They were finally together again.



ive had this in my notes for sooooo longgggg im glad to finally get it out there TT

i hope you enjoyed this as much as i do

despite everything, it is my favourite story ive written to date

have a good day/night <3

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