Twenty Two ♡

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Eunsook swore the time between the sound of the warning signals to the moment her home was breached was only a few seconds. At least, that's what it felt like. Her heart was beating so hard she felt like she was going to collapse. Everything was a blur, throbbing around her in time to her heartbeat.

She doesn't remember casting the spell, she only remembered its effects. She remembers wishing harder than she had ever wished before, and then she was dead.

But the millisecond between, she felt peace. It wasn't that she felt at peace with death, it was that she felt a different force lull her into peace.

Haksoon and Seongjun had been in pain. They were going to die, she knew there was no way out of that. So, she wished for their life. That the three of them would continue to live together. Forever with no end.

Death was cold, pulsing through her so fast she barely had a chance to experience it. Then there she was, mind scrambled. Crying.

She was a baby.

All three of them were.

They had another chance.

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