Six ♡

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It wasn't as easy as Haksoon had hoped. While their parents had welcomed the new decision with (mostly) open arms, he and Seongjun were not well liked by their knight counterparts. The first few months were okay, but slowly the others began to realise the pair weren't exactly platonic. It definitely didn't help when one of the other knights caught them kissing.

The only reason they were still there was because they were the most disciplined knights there. They took every job, no matter how small, as seriously as they could. Their superiors were impressed by this.

(Another reason, the pair quickly worked out, was that the other knights were better at cooperating on tasks when they all had something in common. Something much like absolutely despising Haksoon and Seongjun.)

Despite everything, the pair pushed through. They fought sometimes, but in the end they always made up. They were everything to each other. Without the other one was completely isolated. Their love grew day by day. It truly was an unstoppable force. The bullies would need more than harsh words and secret night time beatings to crush it.

The day the Princess came to visit was a huge day. There were celebrations and a huge feast planned for the evening. Princess Eunsook was known as the most beautiful woman to ever live. When she entered the grounds in her flowing gown and sharp makeup, all the knights stood in awe.

Seongjun loved Haksoon with all of his heart. He couldn't imagine himself with anyone else. But the second he laid eyes on Eunsook, his heart slammed to a stop. He didn't love Haksoon any less, but perhaps Eunsook was already burying a small hole in his heart.

Haksoon noticed. It was hard not to when his beloved spent the whole day staring off after the Princess. He was jealous. Of course he was. He knew he could never compete with the most beautiful woman ever, Princess Eunsook. She was rich, beautiful, and kind. What was he? Poor, barely even decent looking, and sometimes too harsh with his words. Seongjun was handsome with a heart of gold. If the Princess was going to take interest in one of the knights, it would easily be him.

The realisation dawned on him just past midday. He was going to lose Seongjun to the Princess.

He and Seongjun had been eating together on the lawn under their favourite tree. Eunsook had walked past, surrounded by her entourage of maids and guards. The older had trailed off mid sentence to watch her pass. When they made eye contact, she smiled, eyes crinkling up at the corners in the most beautiful way.

Mind overcome with emotion, Haksoon pushed himself to his feet and ran. He ran all the way across the grounds before he found himself in a back alley. Tears streamed freely down his face, he didn't even try to stop them. What was the use anyway?

As he leant against one of the walls, barely able to keep himself standing, footsteps echoed around the walls as someone approached. "Go away!" he found himself shouting.

"My love..." Seongjun tried to come closer, the sight in front of him breaking his heart, but Haksoon shoved him away. He tripped over his own feet and stumbled onto the floor.

Haksoon seemed to realise instantly what he did and stammered out an apology, trying to pull the other to his feet. "I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to, I swear!"

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