Jasmine panicked and rushed over to Sokka as she saw the boy raising his fist to burn her brother to a crisp. The youngest made it in time and intuitively she stepped in front of her brother. She only saw an orange flame coming her way and her reflexes kicked in. Raising her first, she punched toward the flames and used her own blue flames to counter the attack.

Both of the flames collided and showed beautiful blue orange flames dancing together before they disappeared in thin air.

The entire village was dead silent. The boy narrowed his eyes and glared at Jasmine. She could feel all the eyes boring into her back. The girl tensed and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest. She didn't dare to look over her shoulders at the village but especially her siblings. Shit, I exposed my firebending.

Sokka gulped and looked at his baby sister with wide eyes. He had never known that she was able to bend, let alone firebend. Sure, he hated the Fire Nation and everyone and everything that had to do with it in any way passionately. However, he found that his feelings towards her didn't change the slightest. Jasmine was still his baby sister he dearly loved and he would still do everything for her.

Katara's eyes welled up with tears. She couldn't believe her twin would hide something like that from her. Anger and betrayal came up in her. Jasmine had just told her that their mother died because of bending and now there she was, bending the element their mother had died of.

Before anyone could react to what they just witnessed, Aang showed up on a penguin. He slid right into the boy before stopping in front of the villagers. The boy was thrown up slightly, his helmet falling off in the process before he landed on the ground with a thud.

Maybe you can fight the Fire Nation with fun after all. Jasmine pressed her lips together to prevent herself from laughing at the hilarious sight. She shot the airbender a small smile.

The children cheered upon seeing Aang and Katara smiled slightly.

"Hey guys," Aang greeted everyone with a smile as if nothing just happened before taking his staff in his hand.

"Hey Aang, thanks for coming," Sokka said with a defeated and sad expression on his face. He wanted Jasmine to look at them. He knew that she was afraid of them judging her or doing something worse and it hurt him. He would never even think of hurting his family.

Meanwhile, the boy caught Jasmine's attention. He stood up and faced the village, but this time she could see his face clearly. The girl found herself staring at the handsome boy. Geez, he's hot.

The boy had pale skin and beautiful amber eyes. On the left side of his face there was a scar which started over his eye and went back up to his left ear. It seemed like he had been burnt severely. The boy had a ponytail which was the only bad part about him in Jasmine's opinion.

Shaking her head slightly she immediately dismissed the thought. She shouldn't think about how handsome and beautiful the stranger was when he was about to kill all of them. At least it's my destiny to die by the hands of a beautiful stranger.

The scarred boy looked at the other soldiers and nodded in Aang's direction. Quickly obeying his orders, they circled the airbender.

Jasmine took a step back to get out of the fight. She turned to Sokka and stretched out her hand towards him. With a quick smile, he took her hand and she helped him up.

Before the soldiers could get any nearer to Aang, he swung his glider down. The wind coming out of it stirred up the fresh snow, covering the soldiers and boy with it. The scarred boy balled his fists and glared at the airbender while all the snow on him melted.

"Looking for me?" Aang asked. He held his head high and his posture straight, giving off a confident aura.

"You're the airbender? You're the Avatar?" The boy narrowed his eyes before getting into a fighting stance. "I've spent years preparing for this encounter, training, meditating. You're just a child."

"Well you're just a teenager," Aang said and raised his eyebrows while tilting his head to the side a bit.

Jasmine gulped and watched everything unfold. She had a really bad feeling about how this was going to play out. The feeling of getting involved in this just didn't disappear and she knew it had to do with her exposing her firebending. However the girl didn't regret doing it. Saving Sokka was more important to her.

The scarred boy huffed before punching toward Aang continuously as fire shot out of his fists. His orange flames almost hit the villagers despite Aang's attempt to redirect them with his glider. The airbender glanced over his shoulder and saw the scared expressions on the villagers' faces. Taking a breath, he slammed his glider on the ground and looked at the boy. He knew going would save the villagers and the three siblings. "If I go with you, will you promise to leave everyone alone?"

Jasmine tensed and snapped her head in Aang's direction. She had told him just minutes ago to leave and now he was willingly going with the Fire Navy after revealing that he was the Avatar.

She almost stepped forward if it hadn't been for Sokka grabbing her arm. "Don't get involved," he whispered and pulled her toward himself gently.

The youngest knew her brother was right. But she couldn't just watch how the world's last hope was captured in front of her. The girl wasn't sure if it was worth it to put herself in danger when Aang was willingly going with the Fire Navy.

The scarred boy straightened his posture and nodded without a word. He nodded at the soldiers and they grabbed Aang's staff and led him to the ship.

"Take the traitor as well," the boy demanded and the remaining soldiers nodded immediately.

Jasmine knitted her eyebrows, trying to figure out who the traitor was when her dark eyes met his golden ones. Her heart dropped and she instinctively stepped closer to Sokka. Oh no, I am the traitor.

Sokka glanced at his sister before he noticed three soldiers approaching them. That's when he realised that they meant his sister and that they wanted to get her. He immediately stepped in front of her but the guards harshly grabbed him and shoved him into the villagers who just watched everything happen. Katara, however, was completely frozen and couldn't move a muscle even though she wanted to step forward and help her twin.

Two soldiers grabbed each of Jasmine's arms tightly. Pain shot through her arm and she immediately tried to wiggle them free. "Hey, let me go!" Jasmine shrieked as the grip on her arms tightened. Tears welled up in her eyes as the third soldier knocked out Sokka who stood up and tried to get her back.

Jasmine kicked one of the soldiers which had him loosen his grip. The third one quickly rushed over to them in order to help his colleagues. He grabbed her legs and together they carried Jasmine to the ship despite her kicking and wiggling.

"Head a course to the Fire Nation. I'm going home," the boy told the soldiers as they all walked up the ramp to the ship. The soldiers still carried Jasmine even though she stopped struggling against their tight grips. Letting her head hang down, she took one last upside down look at her village and family as the ramp closed.

A tear rolled down her cheek as they carried her through the dimly lit metal ship until they reached the deck. The soldiers put Jasmine back on her feet right beside Aang and the girl watched her village become smaller and smaller as the ship left the shore. She couldn't help but feel like it was for the best if she left her village. After knowing about her firebending, her family was better off without her. It would only be a daily reminder of their mother's death and how bad the Fire Nation was. Jasmine wouldn't be able to bear the hateful looks she would receive.

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