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By the way, I forget to write that they switched seats in history, so now Bluey and Max sit together, and Mackenzie and Rylee sit together. I wrote it in a different chapter but then got rid of it because I didn't like it.

At school

"Mackenzie? Are you even listening to me?" Bluey said, and waved her paw in front of me.

I sigh.

"What?" I asked, clearly annoyed.

"Are you listening to me?" She asked.

I stayed silent for a minute.

Was I?

No, I wasn't.

"No." I said, and Max glared at me.

I turned to him.

"What Max? What?!" I shouted.

"Why do you hate me so freaking much?!" I yelled, standing up and slightly growled. "I've literally done nothing! And you hate me, for no REASON!"

I stormed out of the cafeteria, and ran to my locker.

I slid down my locker and sighed.

"I think there's something that people don't like about me." I whispered to myself.

"There's not." A voice above me. I looked up and saw Rylee.

Rylee sat down next to me.

"Why do you think there is?" She asked.

"My friends don't like me." I said, and looked down at the ground. "I don't know why."

"Hm." She said, and looked at the ceiling, "well-"

"RYLEE!" A dog yelled, interrupting her.

She looked over to the Husky.

"What Leo?" She said, annoyed, and stood up.

"Come here!" Leo yelled at her, and I glanced up at them.

"What?" Rylee asked.

Leo yanked her away from me and led her somewhere.

"Bye Mackenzie!" She shouted and waved as Leo dragged her away.

"Bye!" I waved back.

"Hi Mackenzie." Lucky said.

"Hey Lucky." I said.

"What's up with you and Max?" He asked.

I shrugged.

"And who was that?"

"A friend."

"That's a girl?" Lucky grinned.

"Nothing's wrong with that. I have many friends that are girls. Actually, most of our friends are girls."


The bell rang, interrupting Lucky.

I waved bye to him and as he walked away to his next class.

I stood up and put my lunch in my bag. I sighed. And walked to History.

Before I got in the room, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

I jumped.

They pulled me into a closet and shut the door.

"Huh?" I said, back away.

The dog flicked the light on.

It was Max.

"What Max?" I asked him.

"Just listen to me. Stay away from Bluey." He said, in a 'threatening' voice.

"Why?" I asked.

"Or else."

"Heh. Or else what?"

"Stay around her, and find out."

"That's not threatening, and you can tell me what to do."

I reach out for the doorknob and put my paw on it.

But Max grabbed my arm and spun me around.

He punched me on the face hard, and my mouth started to bleed.

He grabbed my arm and pushed me back into the gym stuff in the back.

"Byeee." Max waved, and smirked.

He slammed the door shut and the bell rang.

I didn't know it, but tears spilled out of my face, as I laid in all the gym stuff.

Nobody likes me. Well, maybe Lucky and Rusty.

I don't even think Bluey likes me anymore.

Do I still have a crush on her?

A little one, but I don't know.

I finally got up after five minutes and sighed.

I opened the door and walked out.

I walked to History class.

"Mr. Collie!" Ms. Poodle said once I walked in. "Late!"

Ms. Poodle are really nice, but gets a bit moody when someone's late.

"Sorry." I walked past Bluey and Max, and glared at Max.

He glared back at me.

Bluey looks at both of us and puts on a confused expression on her face.

I walked over to Rylee and sat down.

She stared at me and whispered in my ear,

"Are you okay? Why is your lip bleeding?"

I looked up at Ms. Poodle to make sure she wasn't looking, and whispered back.

"Nothing. Don't worry about it."


I laid my chin on hand and glanced over at Bluey.

She looked a little confused and a little sad.

After class…

I gathered up my things and Rylee waved bye to me as she left the room.

"Bye Mackenzie!" She said.

"Bye!" I said, and looked up to wave bye to her.

"Mackenzie?" Bluey said, and tapped me on my arm.

"Yeah?" I said, my voice flat.

"Do you like that dog?" Bluey said, and I looked up.

"No! Why'd you think that?" I looked back down at my table.

"Do you like Max?" I grinned, and looked up again as I grabbed my bookbag.

Bluey blushed but shook her head.

"N-no! Bye!" Bluey rushed out of the room,

and I smirked.

"Girls." I said and rolled my eyes.

I walked out of the room and headed to my next class.

Big Kid School: MackenziexBluey (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now