Bingo's Accident.

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Hope you like this chapter! I didn't know what to do soooo... Also do not know what I was doing in this chapter at the end.


I'm so confused.

Mackenzie passed out for no reason.

A teacher ran over to us and asked us what happened.

But I wasn't paying attention.

"Bluey?" One of them said.

"Bluey? Are you listening?" Another said.

"BLUEY!" Chloe yelled in my ear. But I didn't flinch.

"Why isn't she responding? And she didn't even flinch."

I shook my head. "Sorry. What?"

After school...

To be honest, I have no idea what happened in school. And I hope Mackenzie is okay.

I was watching on Pawtube when I heard an ear-splitting scream from downstairs.

I jumped in shock and dropped my phone.

I rush downstairs and see Bingo crying.

"Bingo! What's wrong?" I asked in a panic, and ran by her side.

Bingo was breathing heavily and hot tears rolled down her face non-stop.

"Bingo! Stop you're scaring me!" Bingo let out another loud scream.

Tears rolled down my face. "MUM! DAD!" I screamed, and hugged Bingo.

Mum and Dad came running down the stairs.
"Oh my- BINGO!" Mum cried, running over to her side. "Bandit-"

Suddenly, blood dripped from different parts of Bingo's body. Her head, her sides, her arms.

"On it." Dad grabbed a blanket from the couch and threw it over my head. Mum grabbed Bingo as Dad dialed someone on the phone.

"Bluey, Mum and I are taking Bingo to the hospital, you're staying with Mackenzie." Dad said.

I pulled the blanket off my head and tried to see Bingo, but Mum and Dad were gone.

Tears spilled out of my eyes, and I couldn't stop picturing Bingo like that.

A few minutes later, Mackenzie and his Mum came to get me.

I cried the whole way there.

I completely forgot about what happened in school today.

Mackenzie comforted me the entire time.

But I couldn't stop thinking about Bingo.

Was she okay?

What happened to her?

Is she... dead?

As soon as that thought came to my head, I started panicking.

What if that's what happened to her?

"Bluey! It's okay! Bingo is going to be okay. I know it." Mackenzie said.

A few hours later, it was bedtime.

Mackenzie and I were brushing our teeth.

"Kenzie?" I said and spit out my toothpaste.

"Yeah?" He said, and spit out his toothpaste.

"What happened at school?" We walked into his room.

Mackenzie shrugs. "I don't know."

He sits on his bed as I lay down in my sleeping bag next to his bed.

Big Kid School: MackenziexBluey (Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now