Chapter 9

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Zayn and Camila lie on their backs, stargazing.

"Didja see that? Didja see that?" Zayn asked as he pointed his paw up to the sky.

"What?" Camila asked, confused.

Zayn chuckles. "Oh, wow." Zayn points at the sky. "Look at that!"

"What?" Camila asked.

"It's really pretty." Zayn said.

"Oh, yeah!" Camila said, laughing. "You're right."Camila points at the sky. "Oh, look. There's one that looks like a baby rabbit." The stars above form the shape of a rabbit. "See the fluffy tail?" she asked him.

"Yeah... Hey!" Zayn points at the sky. "There's one that looks like two lions killing each other for a scrap of meat!" The stars form the shape of two lions on their hind legs. Zayn laughs. Camila flashes Zayn a concerned look. He doesn't notice. "Ah, I've never done this before."

"Really? My father and I used to do this all the time. He says all the Great Kings of the Past are up there. Hm." Camila said.

"Do you think Calum's up there?" Zayn asked and Camila looks pointedly at Zayn. After a moment, he stands and walks away. She sits up in concern. He sits at a distance from her, his shoulders hunched. "He wasn't my father, but he was still...part of me."

Camila stands and strides toward Zayn.

"My father said there was a...a darkness in Scar that he couldn't escape." Camila said as she sat next to Zayn.

"Maybe there's a darkness in me too." Zayn said and Camila touches one of Zayn's forelegs, then nuzzles him.

After a moment, Zayn nuzzles Camila back. On a nearby hill, Harry surveys Zayn and Camila. He looks up at the stars.

"Father, I am lost. Zayn is one of them." Harry bows his head. "Calum's heir. Harry looks up at the stars. "How can I accept him?"

"Harry?" Ariana asked as she came over.

"I was seeking counsel from the Great Kings." Harry replied.

"Did they help?" Ariana asked.

"Silent as the stars," Harry sighed. "My father would never—"

Ariana nudges Harry. "Oh, my Harry. You want so much to walk the path expected of you. Perhaps Zayn does not."

"What?" Harry sounded surprised. "How did you know that—"

"I can see them down there just as easily as you can," Ariana chuckled. "Get to know him and see."

Ariana turns and strides away. After a moment, Harry follows her. Zayn and Camila continue to nuzzle. Suddenly, Zayn pulls away from Camila as he clears his throat.

"What's wrong?" Camila asked him.

Zayn strides away, then sits at a distance from Camila.

"Nothing..." Zayn obviously lied and Camila approaches.

"Kovu..." Camila pried.

Zayn looks back at Camila. He starts to walk toward her.

"It's just that, my whole life, I've been trained to..." Zayn bows his head and sighs. "Nothing." Zayn said as he walks away. "I gotta go."

"Zayn, wait." Camila called out to him.

Zayn hesitates, looking back at Camila. She stares at him imploringly. After a moment, he keeps walking, only to be halted by a hand that emerges from the grass and pokes him in the nose.

"And just where do you think that you're going?" Michael asked.

"Uhh... Nowhere." Zayn replied and Michael pops out of the grass.

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