Chapter 2: Who Does She Remind You Of?

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"Asante sana, Squash banana, We we nugu, Mi mi apana!" Michael sang as he is painting on the trunk of the tree: a cub with the ceremonial mark across the forehead, next to the drawing of Harry. He laughed softly. "Ahh, Camila."

"Wow." Camila says, amazed by the view of the Pride Lands. She giggles cautiously and Harry catches her as she comes near the edge. "Woah. Where do you think you're going in such a hurry?" Harry asks.

"Daddy!" Camila whines. "Let go!" she says while giggling.

Camila keeps giggling as she tries to escape.

"Well, I just want you to be careful." Harry tells his daughter.

Camila doesn't listen as she pouches on a butterfly. Harry steps on her tail to pin her down to get her attention.

"Camila, are you listening?" Harry asks. "Accidents can happen," He starts saying. "You could easily get hurt, or stepped–"

"...Hurt, or stepped on, or even get lost." Camila says as she says this well-practiced line along with Harry and she finishes it for him.

"And remember..." Harry continues. "I want you to stay in sight of Pride Rock at all–"

"At all times, I know." Camila says. She's a little bit testy with the repetitive warning, and she continues reciting. "And if I see any strangers, don't talk to them." she says. "Come straight home." she finishes before turning to look at her dad. "Okay, okay. Can I go now? Please?" She asks as she looks up at Harry with an innocent look on her face.

"Hmm. Very funny." Harry says as Ariana walks over to them. She laughed softly. "Mind your father, Camila." Ariana says.

Camila giggled. "Yes, mom."

"And stay away from the Outlands." Harry warned Camila.

"Nothing out there but a bunch of backstabbing, murderous outsiders." Liam says as he stands next to Camila.

"Liam's right," Harry says. "You can't turn your back on them."

Camila looked up at him curiously. "Really? How come?" she asked.

Harry sighed softly. "Mmm," he said. "Never mind. Just run along now."

"But Dad, I–" Camila started saying.

"You'll understand someday," Harry tells her. "Go on."

"Dad..." Camila whined as she walked towards him and Harry ran a paw over her, then nudged her off. Camila giggled as she ran off down Pride Rock.

"And stay on the path I've marked for you!" Harry called after her.

Ariana laughed softly as she looked at Harry. "Harry," she started saying. "Who does she remind you of? Hmm?" she asks.

"Huh?" Harry asked her, clueless and confused about what Ariana is talking about. "What? Who?" he asked.

"She's just like you when you were young." Ariana says as she rubbed her head under Harry's chin.

"Exactly." Harry says. "Do you realize the dangers we put ourselves in?" He asks only to get pinned down by Ariana.

"You mean the dangers You put us in." Ariana says as she nuzzled her face against Harry's for a few moments then she got up. "She'll be fine." She reassured him then walked into the den and Harry waited until she was out of earshot.

"Hey, Louis, Niall. Come over here." Harry whispered over to his friends/adoptive fathers.

"Good morning, mon Capitan." Louis says as he and Niall walked over to Harry.

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