"And it killed me...knowing you weren't safe...because of me, my family," Kayce sighed. "That every bruise on your body is because of something we did."

Alex's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Kayce...you didn't cause them to-"

"Yes, I did," Kayce intruppted you. "They thought you were Monica. They took you to get back at me and ultimately my father."

Kayce reached up with his other hand and held Alex's face as gently as he could.

"I'm sorry," Kayce said again. "I don't deserve your forgiveness...but I'll tell you every day until my last how sorry I am for what you went through."

Alex reached out and placed her fingers against Kayce's lips, keeping him from continuing on. Her mind was spinning now, from his words, his hands, his warm breath across her face...it was all a bit too much for Alex to take right now.

Kayce pressed a kiss to the tips of Alex's fingers, causing her eyes to flutter. The moment his eyes found her again, Alex moved quickly, her fingers tangling in the back of Kayce's head as her lips pressed against his.

Kayce wrapped his arms around Alex, kissing her back with just as much intensity. He pulled her against him, deepening the kiss while she tugged on his hair. Alex let a soft moan escape her lips, making Kayce slide one of his hands along her thigh.

Thankfully, it was too cold to go any further than what they were doing. But Alex felt comfort with each kiss, wanted with each caress from Kayce as he tilted his head and pressed his lips along her jaw. She pulled his face back to hers, one more heated kiss shared between the two of them before Alex pulled back a few inches.

Kayce didn't look hurt this time though, both of them breathing hard as they looked at one another. He reached up and brushed some of her hair back before her shoulder.

"Why do you keep kissing me?" Alex let out a breathy laugh.

"Technically, you kissed me...both times now," Kayce chuckled as Alex rolled her eyes.

Alex leaned back more, Kayce's other hand falling to her thighs as she took in a deep breath. His caramel eyes danced around her face as he waited for her to speak again.

"Kayce..." Alex ran a hand through her tangled hair. "Im sorry. I just...I just don't want to be a homewrecker."

Kayce's eyes narrowed.

"You're not," He said with a bit of force.

"I feel like I am," Alex shrugged. "Especially after what's happened...you and Monica-"

"Are there for our son," Kayce finished for her. "Nothing has changed with the path we're on."

Alex eyed him, almost doubting his words.

"But this last week," Alex pointed out. "You haven't...God, I sound horrible."

Kayce acted faster, grabbing Alex's arm before she could hide her face.

"What about this week?" Kayce asked her.

"You've been...together," Alex sighed. "And I know this makes me sound like such a bitch, but what I saw was the two of you...I don't know how else to describe it. Together?"

"We were together with Tate," Kayce nodded his head. "After Tate though, we aren't together...does that make sense?"

"Not at all," Alex shrugged out of spite. "I saw you go into the bedroom as a family...you eat supper together, I just feel like what you say doesn't match the actions I see."

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