Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Thank you all for 1K reads (:

When we arrived at the airport, we were still met with the usual checkpoints and after all was said and done, the guys decided to go find their charter friends. I gave Opie a hug and handed him a burner phone. He would need it to call me seeing as they had all left their cells back home and it wouldn't do much since they'd have to swap out SD cards and all that jazz.

"We'll be close," I announced to Opie and Jax as they both helped Delilah and I into a black car that had arrived to take us to where we were going.

"See you soon," Jax smiled but I could still see the anxiety all over his face.

"You'll be reunited with Abel soon."

"Thank you again."

Delilah pulled me into the backseat of the car as I waved one last time. She had really bad jetlag and sometimes it ended up being migraines and nausea so I could understand her frustrations.

We ended up at a beautiful estate that reminded me of our old home back in Napa Valley. It irked my nerves but I put on a smile nonetheless and walked hand in hand to the front door with Delilah. The driver had removed our bags from the trunk and was walking behind us both.

"Names?", two men in black stepped forward giving us dirty looks.

Usually, we'd be stopped at the gate but for some odd reason that wasn't the case. I rolled my eyes and hissed out my real name making them step back quickly and hurry to open the door for both of us. No apologies were needed even as they tried over and over to give them. I wasn't going to tell my dad to hang them by their toes in his dungeon back home.

"Delilah, my sweet. You brought her?", Genesis, my aunt, quirked a brow as she lit one of her long infamous cigarettes with red claws and red lips to match. "If he comes here, I'm billing you for the clean up."

My aunt snapped in annoyance but gave me a look up and down. She hadn't seen me in a few years so I would look a little different. Her gray eyes were twinkling softly in the dim lighting before she stepped up and took ahold of my chin with gentle hands.

"Spitting image of your grandmother," she spoke sadly before removing her hands.

I smiled at the mention of one of my favorite people. Grandma Alice had brought us all together so many times for holidays, birthdays, rare occasions that she just decided to make up but she always got her way no matter what.

I missed Grandma Alice.

"Alistair, take their bags to their rooms. Are you both hungry?"

"I'm not really hungry, but Delilah needs some pills for her headache and a hot shower quick," I gestured to my friend who had managed to slip on some shades without my notice.

She gave a smile which looked more like a grimace than anything.

"Of course, darling. Follow Alistair and in the bathroom should be all that you need," Aunt Genesis spoke to her before turning back to me and going back to her smoke. "I heard you were on the lam."

I shook my head. I could explain to Aunt Genesis what was going on and she would understand. She had been apart of this world longer than I had. She told my mother to take me and run away from my father years ago but the woman was too weak minded to listen and then she became pregnant with my brother, the Prince.

"It'll take a drink of two to even process it all."

"Light or dark?"

I chuckled at the look on her face as she extended a hand.

I'm glad I have her when all else fails to make sense.

My phone rang and I answered softly to avoid waking Delilah who had slipped into my room after complaining about it not being warm enough. We literally had heated blankets to keep us warm or even the fireplace that she could have easily had Alistair light for her.


"We're mobile. The charter here had given us some of their bikes and we'll just be trying to figure out who has Jax's son and how soon we can get him back," Opie spoke details and I nodded in understanding.

This wasn't a leisure trip for them and I knew that him detailing this meant that they were getting to work as quickly as they could.

But it felt like he wasn't telling me everything.

"Is something else going on? You can tell me things. I won't judge..."

How could I judge him and I haven't even revealed my true self to him fully?

"Some of the guys have warrants back home, so when we go back they'll be put in prison for charges and jumping bail because they were supposed to be back in jail yesterday."

"Will you go to jail?", I wondered.

"No. I didn't get arrested with them, but... they'll be gone for 5-10 years if this goes bad," he sounded like he was just venting.

I could understand. He was about to lose his friend and the family that the club meant to him. It was a lot and prison was not an easy thing to deal with. My father, although he was bad, never got caught and never stayed in prison long enough for me to miss him. But my mother had been heavily affected even when it was a short time.

"Okay. You guys just focus on getting Jax's son back. The rest we can think on later. Um, just call me if you need any help."

"You know I will. Um... I wish you could be here with us."

I chewed my bottom lip with how sweet that sounded. It wasn't enough I was in too deep waters with him but he still made butterflies flutter when he spoke so sweetly to me. He would forever be my gentle giant.

"Soon," I responded before ending the call.

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