Chapter Three

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A/N : Another Sunday post. I'm trying to be consistent so be patient. Once I feel like I'll post regularly, you guys will receive updates more often instead of just Sundays. Thank you all for your patience ♥️

Chapter Three

Pulling up behind him at a diner after a few hours of running me back and forth from my broken down car, I turned off the car and stepped out.

"Is this goodbye?", I wondered aloud.

"I'm late."

"For what? You don't look like the type to be put on a schedule unless that mechanic job is calling..."

He cracked a smile. The first time the giant man had proven he was even remotely human, mind you, he had been every piece of humanity that I needed from the previous hours. I smiled just by seeing his smile which was kind of nice if I do say so myself.

"I actually do have a daughter who is in need of a knight in shining armor. But yeah, it sort of is goodbye."

"Here," I passed him my number and told him to promise to call me. "Ci vediamo dopo amico mio." /See you later, my friend.

He looked down at me in surprise, but I just gave him a wink as I headed back to my car. I gave him a two-finger salute as I stepped inside and turned over the engine. My mind was made but unfortunately, I had no idea what I wanted to do next.

So, I just put my foot on the gas and drove to wherever my mind led me to.

I let my mind wander as I turned the radio up on a song. I tapped gently on the steering wheel as road and space was put in between myself and Opie. I turned my mind to my task at hand. Figuring out my next move without being totally conspicuous and having my father's goons drag me back home.

Taking one last stop, I called my old friend once more.

"Transfer 2 million into an account for Tillbury Lux LLC. I'll call my father when I'm settled so don't worry. I'm going to need you to cut contact for a while but I'll give you this cell number just in case."

After the phone call, I went into a clothing store and bought me some new threads, a beauty supply store shortly after and grabbed some supplies, before I headed to grab a bite to eat and then hit the road to a place, I picked with my eyes closed on a map.

I had a chance at a new life and I was going to turn over a new leaf.


At the end of my stay at the hotel, I found a nice condo nearby the business I was planning on opening soon. The dance studio I always wanted to be apart of. The makings of a new life were hard but I was willing to do all that I could. I decided to give myself some box braids and change up my style a little bit.

Opie had a daughter he had to return home to and that was sweet once you think of it. He was an actual stand up kind of guy so his daughter if she ever saw that side of him would be so proud to call him Dad. I hadn't known him for long but in the hours that we spent, he was a kind and caring gentleman that I wished I had seen more of in my lifetime.

A call came in from an Unknown number and I answered quickly.

"What the Hell are you doing, Sassy Pants?", my best friend, Delilah, joked as I opened my front door with my new keys and stepped inside of the spacious, modern home I just purchased. "You were always rebellious as a kid, but this is a bit much."

"Dee, you're not my shadow anymore. Stop sounding like my father..."

"Sorry, I'm just worried. Your dad has been blowing up my phone for the past two days. How did you escape your detail?", she questioned.

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