Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

I finished eating, pulled on a cute black two piece jogging set, long sleeves with a tight fitted white bodysuit underneath, and a cute pair of running shoes. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my to-go bag before I hurried outside where Delilah had already packed the car back up for us to leave out tonight.

Personally, I knew that this was going to be very messy and doing too much for this person that I barely knew was on a scale of crazy things to do but I just wanted to see where this connection that we had took us. I never dated someone outside of my tax bracket that wasn't afraid of my Dad or even tried joining in on my Dad's business and leaving my high and dry once he received death threats. I mean, who wouldn't... but I had given up on a love life after I hit 18 and I went off to study abroad. Even there, my Dad had a big, big reach.

So we pulled back up to the shop and I could see some commotion had went down but I ignored the feeling in my stomach to find Opie.

"He's up there," one of the guys from earlier spoke up and pointed to the lone figure on the roof.

I nodded thoughtfully before waiting patiently for him to finish smoking. He wore this expression, calm but obviously filled with deep determination, and after he finished his smoke, he climbed down the ladder. I held my breath even as Jackson came out with a sad smile and heavy look on his face.

My wave was instinct.

"You came back?", he wondered aloud as he walked up to me.

I crossed my arms and shrugged.

"Well, I came to a solution for the plane situation. I have a friend who will take you and the guys across the pond. And I'm coming with you..."

"No, I don't want to get you involved. This is some deep shit. I can't discuss this right now but it would be best if you stayed clear while this goes down," Opie sounded like he didn't mean anything coming out of his mouth.

I chuckled dryly and nodded my head. It was like my dad telling my mom she was on a need-to-know basis because if shit hit the fan, then me and my mother would be in danger of being taken away from him. He could manipulate this shit out of a person and make them feel like they had zero control.

This wasn't that time though.

"Harry Winston, I'm not taking no for an answer, so this is happening," I smirked when surprise lit up his face at the mention of his government name.

"What's up, Ope?", Jax wondered.

"I got you guys a ride out of Charming to Belfast, but Opie doesn't want me to tag a long. Tell him I should come, Jax," I gave Jax the puppy eyes even though he barely knew me and would most likely take Opie's side.

"We should let her come, Ope. She's been a really big help this far. What could it hurt?", Jax looked to Opie for an answer but he seemed to be convinced that I should come.

Opie gave me a look and shook his head at my evil tactics. He nodded at Jax's request knowing the faster they got this done, the faster Jax would be reunited with his son. Plus, he could see that there was a good reason to have me come along.

"Fine, but what about Clay? Remember Church...", the way he spoke was sort of ominous and I caught wind that they were speaking in code, but I couldn't decipher the meaning. Jax just shrugged and gave Opie a pat on the back as he left.

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