Chapter Two

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I didn't forget about you beautiful readers 😘

Chapter Two


I washed my body several times to clear myself of the dirt and the trauma of that creep touching me like he owned me. I was over people treating me as if I were their property. I wanted to be my own person from now on. I needed to figure out my next move. 

After I cleansed myself properly, I stepped out to dry myself and pull on the huge shirt that Opie had offered to me. I had brought my purse inside of the bathroom with me so I pulled out a small travel lotion and rubbed it all over my skin and grabbed some make up wipes to remove the excess makeup that I wouldn't dare sleep in. Pulling my hair into a messy bun with a hair tie, I stared into the mirror at my youthful bare face. I rubbed moisturizer on my face and brushed my teeth before stepping out of the bathroom. 

"All yours," I announced cheerfully after my shower. 

The gentle giant had been watching some show about old school motorcycles and he caught sight of me when the door opened. He stood up to grab his things for a quick shower but before he went inside, he pointed to the nightstand, 

"A phone. I also got you some snacks. Didn't know which ones you liked but I got most of them," Opie let me know before he disappeared into the bathroom. 

I bit my lip to keep the smile from coming through. He was so sweet. I walked over to the phone and decided to dial an old friend before I indulged in some late night TV and snacks. 

The phone rang twice before a deep voice answered the phone. 

"Charles? It's me, Lanna."

"Where the Hell are you? Your father has been calling me nonstop trying to find you."

"I'm not going back, Charles. I want to be out. You got out!", I snapped angrily as I tried to quietly whisper so my conversation wouldn't be overhead. "He's trying to marry me off to some mafia head and I'm not doing it. It's only violence and bloodshed!"

"Alanna, you are the daughter of a Mafioso. There is not an out for you."

"I'm just calling to tell you that I'm in the wind. Don't look for me. I'll contact you when I'm in need."

"Do you really want to do this?"

I paused for a moment. My whole life I'd been behind giant walls and guards that would gladly take a bullet for me but I was tired of it. I didn't want to be caged in anymore. I wanted to take my life back. 

"I'm ready."

"Stai attento, piccolo." /Be safe, little one.

"Sempre e per sempre." /Always and forever.

I hung up the phone and rubbed my eyes as a yawn left my body. I had been driving for six hours when I reached this town. The car troubles were unfortunate. I grabbed a bag of chips and a candy bar before I turned down my sheets on the bed. Surprisingly they were soft and smelled gently of fabric softener. 

Before I could focus on the TV properly, the bathroom door opened to reveal a shirtless giant man with long flowing hair. 

My mouth dropped before I snapped it shut. He had an impressive build. The muscular arms were littered with tattoos, but they were obviously better detailed. A noticeable tattoo on his back piqued my interest. 

Sons Of Anarchy. 

A reaper with an A symbol and the name sons of anarchy along with California in bold letters took my attention for a moment before I went back to what I was supposed to be doing besides staring.

Mr. WinstonOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz