a kitten's puppy pal.

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This is a fun way to return, huh??? Anyway, I haven't written something solo in quite a bit, so please bare with me, and I do apologize if this is cringey to you or anyone at all. I don't know where I was planning to go with it, but for all I know I mayhe way off from the original planned chapter.

POV: None

She stared out the window boredly as she stayed put. Good Gods did she wanna go out and explore the woods... but mama said she couldn't, and she didn't dare defy her mother, so she stayed put and somberly watched all the kids play around in the street freely, she couldn't help but wag her tail as she watched them play, longing to join in on their games some day.

But for now, Nalla had to stay put and be a good girl, and a good girl she planned to forever stay being.

Because I am a good girl.

POV: August

"UGH!!!!! CASPER GIVE IT BAAAAAACK!!!!!" Casper and Joyce had been fighting all day, and honestly, I just wanted to sleep or do anything that could be mind numbing at this point due to the two's unending bickering... "Can you two just stop already????" I asked as I layed my head down onto my fluffy blonde and white paws. They didn't stop.

I groaned as I stood up and began to make my way to the front door, I was gonna go see if there was anything I could do that could keep me occupied until it felt like it was a good time to return home. Kinda sad I didn't get to finish my kitty friendly cornflakes, though.... anyways.

I kept on walking down the sidewalk, I'll probably just hang out at the park whilst my litter mates continued on bickering about this and that. But...... on my way there, something inside caused me to change my course and turn down an unfamiliar road. What was that something???? I..... I dunno actually, but whatever it was, it was getting me to go..... somewhere......

I continued on this new and unfamiliar trail until I reached a small, cozy looking neighborhood. In the road, a group of human's cubs were playing around. "Hmm, I guess they wish to learn the way of a cat's nine lives, how fun." I murmured out as I trotted past them, or atleast, I tried to trot past them, but that thing inside of me sent me right through them, some of them tried to grab me, some of them tried to pet me, and some of them tried to shoo me away. But that thing inside was determined to keep me on this journey no matter what.

My paws kept moving, left paw, right paw, left paw, right paw, left paw, right paw, left- "MREOW!!!!!!!-" I loudly yoweled as i just barely managed to stop my paw from landing into a pile of..... something brown.....??? I don't know, but from what I could tell, it didn't look nor smell all that prettyful, and it was quite large. I took a few steps to the side, distancing myself from it as best as I could.

But then that thing inside me suddenly started up once again and I started to walk forward once more, but this time, I managed to make sure I didn't have any more close calls to stepping on that weird smelly brown stuff. I kept walking, and walking, and walking, until I was on a strange porch, a new scent instantly filled my nose, it smelt hairy and big, that's for certain. I timidly went began to explore this porch a bit, and I found another scent once I reached the porch's door. It smelt hairy as well, but it also smelt smaller and younger. Could this be another cat???? If it was, i hope they weren't bratty like all of my litter mates. Except for Tony, I love Tony. He's the only one of my litter mates that isn't a cruel, rude, bratty meanie-pants. I shook my head and continued on.

I pawed at the, strangely slightly larger than I'm used to seeing, strange cat door. It didn't budge. I guess it's locked then.... I sighed, I was actually starting to get curious what it was that I was even searching for, and then all of a sudden, I was hit with a locked door. Great. Just. Great. I groaned in annoyance as I turned around and began to start on my way back home, I came here, and it was all for honest to god nothing..... truly a waste of my nine lives, I swear today has just been such an awful, horrible, no good, crumby day for my poor little kittysel-



POV: None

August jumped at the sound and looked up and around, but he couldn't seem to find where that sudden loud sound had come from.

"Stupid.... there's no one here except for those kids....."

He murmured to himself softly.

He licked his left front paw as he began to quickly clean himself. He was almost certain his littermates were still fighting about this and / or that.

He sighed. He really couldn't catch a break, could he???? Once he felt satisfied and that his fur was clean enough, he pounced up and onto a nearby windowsil.

He nearly fell but managed not to, so that was nice. He slightly stretched before sitting down on it. Then,...... suddenly......


He nearly jumped out of his pelt and fell as the loud sound of something colliding with the glass of the window. He scrambled to get back up onto the windowsil.

Once he was, in his opinion, securely on the windowsil and had taken a few to calm his racing heart, he snapped his head towards the window and-


POV: Nalla's

I wagged my tail wildly as the fluffy weird creature looked at me, but I stopped and tilted my head when it seemingly screamed. Was it scared???? Why???? I'm not a bad dog, I wouldn't hurt them!!!! I wanted to play with them, to be friends with them!!!

Their fur on their back was on edge as I looked at 'em.


I yipped at them and tilted my head side to side in pure and utter confusion. They seemed tense........ scared even....... but.... why.....???? I..... i-i'm not a bad dog......!!!!


To be continued.......

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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