"Eissa, let's name the baby Eissa" she said before turning her face to me.

I got up kissing her forehead before looking at the baby over her shoulder. He looked like most baby's at first I couldn't really make out who he looked like. Story couldn't wait to see him. The doctors let her in she ran straight to Janet.

"Can I see him mom!?"

I helped her hold the baby teaching her how to hold his head. Story was so gentle with the baby she couldn't take her eyes off of him. "I love you Eissa" she said as he slept in her arms.

"Is he gonna sleep all day" she asked making Janet and I laugh. "He's been sleeping in your belly for months. He's had more than enough sleep right?"

"Story get use to it because that's all babies do. They sleep, eat" I paused looking at Janet. "And use the bathroom" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah I won't be the only one changing his diaper" she said widening her eyes.

Once we brought Eissa home both Janet's mother and mine came to visit. They couldn't get enough of him.

"Eissa?" My mother questioned.

"Baby what made you name him Eissa" Janet's mother asked.

"It's a Arabic name and it's another name for Jesus" Janet answered.

"Ok Essia, I love him already" her mother said.

Everyone was happy, Eissa was healthy. He had all ten fingers and toes. But I was suspicious if he was mine. He was so white he made me question Janet, was she cheating?

"Christopher" I could feel a hand nudging me.

I looked over to see Janet's concerned stare. "Are you ok" she asked.

"Yeah, I was just thinking" I said as we laid in bed.

"Thinking about what, it looks serious telling by the look on your face"

I took a big gulp before scratching my head. "What is it baby" she asked scooting closer to me.

I looked in her pretty doe eyes knowing what I was about to say would hurt her. "Is he mine" I questioned.

I watched as she frowned her face tilting her head. She stayed quite squinting her eyes at me. "Janet is Eissa mine?"

She blinked her eyes. "Where the hell is this coming from?"

"Janet he's white!"

She moved so fast I didn't see it but I felt her hand smack against my face. "Don't put your hands on me" I said stern looking her up and down. "Never do that again" I shook my head.

"How dare you question me like that" she raised her voice at me.

"I wanna get him tested" I said making her face change.

She dropped her jaw before tightening it. Her jaw clenched as she stared into my eyes with rage.

"I can't believe you, if you do that then I'm leaving you" she said.

"How else can you explain it Janet! Story's light skin and he's white!"

She shifted her eyes away from me before looking back my way. "Your father" she said.


"Your fathers white, maybe he's taking after your father" she said with confidence. "Did you ever think of that!?"

"No I didn't"

"I never stepped outside of this relationship once! How dare you question our son! You should be ashamed of yourself" she said before rolling over with her back facing me.

"I can't believe you. You were this close to loosing your wife" she said as I stared at her back.

That night I had a nightmare that Janet was leaving me. My eyes tightened in my sleep as my body sweat. The nightmare was so ugly I rushed myself to wake up opening my eyes to morning light beaming into the room.

I looked up to see Janet at the crib on the other side of the room. She glanced at me giving me a stink eye before looking back at Eissa.

"Come on baby, let me feed you" she said bending over to pick him up.

I watched as she walked to the bed with him in her arms. She sat at the edge of the bed before exposing herself to breastfeed him.

"Good morning" I spoke.

She lifted her head to the sound of my voice avoiding eye contact. Janet ignored me before looking back at Eissa.

"Good boy" she said to the baby.

"Alright, I deserve the silent treatment" I sighed before getting out of bed.

I went throughout the day without knowing what to expect. Janet and I never had a big fight at least nothing close to this. She avoided eye contact with me that morning.

She left the house for hours without even telling me where she was going. Leaving me with Story and the baby.

"You know where your mother went" I asked Story as she sat on the couch holding Eissa.

Story lifted her head up looking at me with her mothers eyes. "She told me she had a work meeting"

I frowned my face wondering what that could mean.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Vote and comment for more🫶🏽✨

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