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I flash Cole an anxious smile as I place the box of brownies that I made him onto the table, his eyebrows knit together as he looks at the container.

'What's this?'

My cheeks burn brightly, 'A thank you?'

'For what?'

'Well you've saved ass numerous times now and I just wanted you to know I appreciate it.'

His expression softens for a moment before going back to normal, 'You didn't have to make me anything, I'm just trying to be a good person even though you fail to believe that this is the case.'

I roll my eyes, 'Just take the baked goods.'

'You might have poisoned them.'

'Look at my face, I'm too pretty for prison. So your murder isn't exactly included in my five year plan.'

'I'm not hungry.'

'Just take them and eat them later.'

'I just feel really confused.' He huffs out as he runs his hand through his mousy brown hair.


'Why are you making me stuff? You've made it pretty clear that you don't want to be my friend.'

I blink rapidly, 'I told you, I just wanted to thank you.'

'But I don't need your thank you, the fact that you think you need to make me something because I was a decent human pisses me off.'

'What? Why?'

'Because this should be the norm, people should protect people with no expectations involved.'

'But that hasn't always been the norm for me.' I manage out as I feel my voice shaking slightly.


I let out a shaky breath as I hold the corners of the table I'm currently sat at, 'My ex-boyfriend...he would blame me if men started to get a little inappropriate.'

'What do you mean blame you?'

I shake my head, 'It doesn't matter.'

'It should matter.'

'I don't want to talk about it with you.'

'Okay but I'm not taking the brownies off you. And I'd also re-consider the type of men you're dating if their blaming you for other people's actions.'

I raise an eyebrow, 'No offence but you are the last person that I would take relationship advice from.'

'You barely even know me Finchy. And I'm actually started to get pissed off that you're constantly stereotyping me into being some massive dick.'

'I-I'm not doing that.'

'Yes you are, you couldn't possibly believe that I helped you out because I thought it was the right thing to do, instead you thought I wanted to get into your pants. You also make constant jabs about me being a whore.'

'You're right, I shouldn't have done that.'

'Yeah you shouldn't have. I've had a solid girlfriend now for nearly six months.'

'You never mentioned a girlfriend. In-fact you've kind of implied that love isn't for you.'

'Because she's the one who chose to make our relationship private, she doesn't want people all up in our shit.'

'Oh well, I'm sorry.'

'Look I might have been a little harsh there but you don't know how fucking draining it is for people to constantly assume things about you. And these things that people are assuming actually end up effecting my relationship. All I've tried to do is be-friend you.'

Daisy ChainsWhere stories live. Discover now