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I let out a small huff as the entire contents of my locker fall dramatically onto the floor, I wince at the loud noise hoping that it didn't draw any attention to me.

If there was one thing I despised it was attention, I think it's most likely do the childhood trauma I endured when my mom used to force me into competing for beauty pageants. I was only two years old when I won my first pageant, she said it was the proudest she's ever been of me.

I bend down to slowly gather my books into my arms when something harshly collides into me causing my balance to quickly be non-existent. 

'Fuck.'  A harsh voice grumbles.

I crane my neck from my now uncomfortable position on the floor to see Colton Brooks towering over me with a scowl etched onto his features. My stomach drops violently because Cole was a walking cliché in the high-school realm. One wrong move and he could make the remainder of my time here extremely uncomfortable.

'Sorry.' I squeak out as my cheeks burn brightly, I lower my head and continue to grab my stuff.

He doesn't reply not that I expect him to anyway, instead he just walks away leaving presumably a trail of broken hearts behind him.

'Daisy!' I hear a shrill voice shriek out.

I whip my head to see my closest friend of nearly two years; Farrah Jones. She was the first friendly face I encountered when I moved to this school, in-fact I think she was the only person who didn't mock my southern accent.

'Hey peach.' I greet her warmly.

'Are my eyes deciving me or did you just interact with Cole Brooks?'

I snort, 'It was barely an interaction, he bumped into me I apologised and then he walked away.'

'Still...it's better than anything I've ever gotten from him.'

I roll my eyes, 'Well next time I'll happily let you take my place and then you can be harshly collided into.'

'From him I'll take it.'

'Of course you will.' I murmur as she wraps an arm around my shoulder and we begin walking towards the cafeteria.

'Have you thought anymore about my offer?'

I inwardly grimace because I know exactly which offer she means but instead I decide to play dumb, 'And what offer would that be?'

'Attending one of the hottest parties of the year with me.'

'And how do you know this is going to be one of the hottest parties of the year?'

'Because Cameron Holden is hosting and I've heard they go out of control that quickly, the cops get called after like two hours.'

I purse my lips together, 'Hmm...it's a hard pass but I'm going to have to go with no.'

Farrah pouts as she looks down at me, 'Please! We're graduating at the end of the year and I want us to get out there and make more memories.'

My heart strings are pulled when her puppy dog eyes begin to stare into my soul, 'If....and I mean if I agree to come, you have to promise not to leave my side.'

'I promise, cross my heart and hope to die.'

'I'll think about it.'

'That means yes.'

I laugh slightly, 'That means I'll think about it.'

'Which roughly translated means yes of course, I love to make my best friend happy.'

Daisy ChainsWhere stories live. Discover now