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I glance anxiously at my phone, yesterday Farrah and I went to the clinic so that I could be tested for chlamydia and ever since all I've been doing is desperately waiting for the results. My virginity was something I deemed as special and now to know that it has potentially been tainted has knocked me violently sick.

'God.' I hear Cole mutter.

I glance up at him with furrowed eyebrows, 'Pardon?'

'I can literally feel your anxiety. You need to calm down.'

I narrow my eyes, 'That isn't a helpful thing to say! If I knew how to calm down, I would be calm now.'

He pushes his work away with a soft sigh, as he shuffles his chair closer to mine, 'First, put your phone into your bag. Having it out of sight will help get it out of mind.'

'How do you know that it's something to do with my phone?'

'Because you're usually never on it during our sessions but now your hand is literally attached to it.'


He cuts me off and lifts up my bag, 'Put it in.'


'Put the phone in the bag Finchy.'

I sigh loudly as I hesitantly put my phone in my bag, 'Fine.'

'Do you want to talk about it?'


'Are you sure?'


'I know this isn't going to change anything but I'm a pretty non-judgemental person.'

'You're right it doesn't change anything.'

'You're so icy with me, I love it.' He says teasingly.

I roll my eyes, 'I'm not icy with you.'

He snorts softly, 'Could have fooled me, sometimes when we speak I literally feel like I've developed hypothermia.'

I laugh loudly, 'I think you're just not used to a girl refusing to fawn all over you.'

'Which is exactly why I treasure these moments.'

My cheeks flush for a brief moment, 'So you're trying to tell me that you don't enjoy the fact that the majority of our high-school population is obsessed with you??'

He shrugs, 'I enjoy parts of it but not all of it.'

'What bits don't you enjoy?'

'People creating shitty rumours about me, that's just beyond annoying.'

I settle myself further into my chair, 'What kind of rumours?'

He rolls his eyes, 'Like you haven't heard them.'

'I literally have one friend in this entire school, there's a good chance I haven't heard the majority of them.'

'Well I refuse to believe that.'

'Believe what?'

'That you only have one friend.'

I narrow my eyes slightly as I feel my defences begin to slide up, 'What's that supposed to mean?'

'I mean you're smart and you're nice to people so surely they are way more people who want to be your friend then one.'

My stomach churns for the smallest second at his compliment, 'When I first moved to this shitty town a lot of kids took the piss out off me, so I found it hard to make friends.' 

Daisy ChainsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora