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I yawn loudly as I shove my oversized sweatshirt over my head, I've been attending figure skating lessons since I was three years old and even though I didn't follow suit with the pageantry business, I feel like I owe it to my younger-self to carry on pursing something I once adored.  The only issue that comes with following said passion is that I have to be up at 5am every morning, so I can go to the rink before school. Usually I can push through the exhaustion but with my anxiety being at an all-time high since Tyler's text last week, it's felt nearly impossible.

I trudge into the tutor centre with a small frown on myself before I collapse into my usual seat.

'Finchy you literally look like a corpse.' An annoying voice says from behind me.

I narrow my eyes, 'You can't even see my face.'

'I've passed you numerous times today and you look beat.'

I shrug, 'I'll survive.'

'What no witty comeback?'

'Nope sorry but I'll give you double tomorrow.'

'Or you could just give me a free pass?'

'Nah, I don't want you to be under the illusion that I can actually tolerate you.'

'Don't worry, I would never think that.'

'Good, maybe there's still hope for you yet.'


I blink slowly at him, 'So, what?'

'Why are you so tired?'

'Why are you so annoying?'

Colton gives me a look, 'That was pathetic, even for you.'

I rub my eyes, 'I have to get up early and at this moment in time, I'm not enjoying getting up early.'

'Why do you have to get up early?'

'Are you always this nosy?'

He shrugs, 'It's a family trait, I was born this way baby.'

I wrinkle my nose, 'Never call me that again.'

'Are you gonna tell me or am I just going to sit here in suspense?'

'I figure skate and my lessons are ridiculously early.'

'Finchy, you're a twirl girl?'

'I prefer the term figure skater.'

'I didn't realise that they skating near you farm folk.'

I scoff loudly, 'Just because I'm from Texas, doesn't mean that I lived near a farm.'

'So, what I'm hearing here is that if I suddenly come across a cow that needs milking, you are zero help to me?'

Despite myself I can't help but let a small laugh escape from my lips, 'I hate to break your heart like this but yes I would be zero help.'

'I mean, I figured you'd break my heart at some point but not like this.'

I roll my eyes, 'You're just a bad flirt.'

'Trust me if I was flirting with you, you'd know.' 

'Do you mean because I'd be violently sick?'

The mousy haired boy gives me a bright grin, 'That's exactly what I mean.'

'Please tell me that you've finished your assignment?'

His cheeks have a pink coating for a brief second and if he was anyone else I'd find it adorable, 'So I have finished it.'

Daisy ChainsWhere stories live. Discover now