Chapter nineteen

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Sirius walked back to the dorms slowly, dragging his feet and thinking about Moony, always Moony.

you look perfect

Sirius smiled and flushed like a fucking schoolgirl, still feeling Moony's hand brushing his hair out of his eyes before the boy disappeared and Sirius was left to walk back feeling light as a feather. The door to the dormitory was open as he walked to it. The sound of Snape's voice could be heard loud and clear, and the weightlessness Sirius felt leaked out of him as he pushed the door open.

The testing must've finished for most people, because transfers and Dauntless born alike were crowded around Snape, who stood on a bed, reading from what looked like a newspaper clipping with a devilish smirk on his face.

"The question is asked, what exactly made Sirius Black, son of Walpurga Black, leader of Erudite and head of the faction's research facility, switch factions into Dauntless of all factions?" Snape looked up, laughing when he saw Sirius. "Hear this?" he called out, heads turning towards him. Sirius spied Marlene and Lily together, looking at him anxiously. "I think I'd like to know what made you leave mummy as well!"

Loud, obnoxious laughter came from Zacharias and a few of the Dauntless born that set Sirius' teeth on edge.

"Walpurga Black has formally stated that 'Faction before blood is an idea that we take very seriously in my household. Sirius is no longer in Erudite, therefor he is no son of mine.'" Snape let out a surprised laugh, his eyes bright and excited as he kept reading. "This recent transfer also serves as a reminder of Lyall Lupin's son Remus, who transferred from Abnegation. Many suspected a darker underlying cause of this transfer, which begs the question, did Sirius Black leave for the same reasons? -"

"Shut the fuck up Snivellus," Marlene shot, reaching up to try and grab the paper.

Snape held it above his head, his gaze never leaving Sirius' as he smirked, "What do you think Black? If you can even call yourself that anymore. Did you leave Erudite cause of those pretty little scars we saw the other-"

And then Sirius was running.

He was running and jumping up onto the bed, his arms wrapping around Snape's torso as they both crashed onto the floor, Sirius' fall softened by the smack of Snape's back on the concrete.

"Fuck!" Snape cried out; the curse cut short as Sirius punched him in the mouth.

"Reckon you'll learn to shut your greasy fucking mouth now?!" Siris yelled as he punched him again, barely feeling the burn on his knuckles.

The crowd of people had moved to surround them, most of them cheering, some of them chanting 'fight, fight, fight!'.

Before Sirius could bring his fist down again, hands were grabbing him and pulling him off Snape roughly. Sirius struggled and yelled, only stopping when a tired voice spoke.

"For fuck's sake Sirius get off of him."

Sirius' head turned, and he was looking into James' weary, bloodshot eyes, and some of the fight left him as he stopped struggling and stood up, brushing himself off and glaring down at Snape.

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