Chapter seven

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Eventually, Sirius watched as all the initiates jumped into the net, some not uttering a sound, while others (Peter) screamed the whole journey down. James hoped off the net with his hair a mess and a smile on his face.

"That was fun," was his only comment as he joined Peter and Sirius.

The group followed as Moony and Alice led them down a dimly lit tunnel, the walls and floor were stone and Sirius could hear rushing water echoing from somewhere below his feet. As they kept walking deeper into the tunnel, Sirius resisted the urge to reach out and hold onto James' shirt in fear of somehow getting lost in the darkness.

They did stop eventually, the group huddling around a lamp who's light only reached a couple of meters.

"This is where we split," Alice said, holding her hands behind her. She was a sturdy looking girl with short brown hair and a silver hoop through her nose. "Dauntless born initiates will come with me, I don't image any of you need a tour." Sirius glanced around, noticing how the Dauntless born puffed out their chests, grinning at each other confidently. "Come on then," she said, turning her back and taking over half of the group with her, disappearing into the darkness quickly and quietly.

Sirius quickly counted nine transfers, including himself, James and Peter, the two unpleasant boys from the train, three girls who were apparently sticking together, one of which had flaming red hair, and another boy who looked like a grimace was planted permanently on his face.

Moony turned to them, the dim lighting casted a shadow over his face, sharpening his features.

"My name is Moony," he began, "and for the next few weeks I'll be your instructor."

"Moony?" the boy with the greasy hair laughed, "What kind of a name is that?"

The tall boy's face remained passive, "Is there an issue?"

The initiate smirked, "No."

"Good then. Soon we'll leave for The Pit, and you'll see why it's named that when-"

"The pit?" the same boy cut in again, and Sirius turned his body this time, glaring at him. "That's an even stupider name than M-"

In a flash, Moony has walked to the boy, towering over him, his amber eyes narrowed. "Since you have such a problem with mine, why don't you tell me your name."

"It's Severus S-Snape," the boy squeaked.

Moony cupped a hand to his ear, "What was it? Snivellus?"

Sirius and James laughed as Snape turned bright red.

"It's Severus," he said again, and Moony nodded, smirking.

"Well, Severus, I think you'd do well to remember that while you're under my authority you keep quiet and you keep your head down. Alright?"

Sirius could practically hear Snape's teeth grinding as he nodded, gaze fixed on his shoes.

Without another word, Moony turned on his heel, Sirius rushing to keep up with him like the other initiates, 'accidentally' bumping into Snape on his way.

"You reckon he's any good at teaching?" James whispered as they walked, "He seems pretty...I dunno, touchy?"

Sirius shrugged, "I'd be touchy too if someone made fun of my name." he elbowed James, "You're not in Amity anymore, people are gonna be mean."

James rolled his eyes, "Yeah I know."

Sirius watched Moony as he walked ahead of them, the quiet tension surrounding him making Sirius shiver. He reminded himself to be wary around Moony, not wanting to be humiliated like Snape.

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