Chapter five

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The Black family took the car to the choosing ceremony. It was a sleek, black vehicle that smelt of leather. Sirius sat in the back next to Regulus, who was very intentionally avoiding his gaze, in complete silence.

Still, it was better than the bus.

The air conditioner was the only sound as they sped through the city streets, but still Sirius was uncomfortable in his suit jacket and tie. He felt restricted, like everything was a little too small. Glancing at Regulus, sitting straight backed, not leaning against the seat, he rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to kick his brother's foot.

As they parked near the Hub, Sirius felt a pang in his stomach whenever he thought of the fact that this will be the last time he sees his family. He can't imagine they'd come to greet him in his new faction. In fact, Sirius would rather they didn't. Imagining his mother stepping foot in another faction just didn't work. It was so unlikely that his brain refused to cooperate.

The Hub was so crowded it was difficult to walk. Hundreds of people his age, combined with their parents (and a few enthusiastic grandparents) all in the same space heading the same direction. Up.

Sirius sighed as his mother turned her nose up at the horde of Abnegation climbing the stairs as she herded Sirius and Regulus into the crowded elevator, Orion squeezing in behind them as the doors were shutting. They seemed to rise up and up for hours as the small space became stifling, as Sirius' breath began to quicken, imagining the air dissipating, feeling like he was suffocating. He felt a swift jab to the back of his arm, and turned to see his Mother glaring at him. Sirius ducked his head and tried to breath, unimaginably grateful when the doors finally slid open, allowing Sirius to push past members of other factions to reach the air outside.

Well, not outside.

The room they entered was like a theatre. A small platform in front of thousands of seats, the rows going back further than Sirius could see from where he stood. He knew the front seats were reserved for the participants of the ceremony, they had already been told that they were to be seated in alphabetical order. Regulus would be choosing before Sirius.

About a quarter of the seats had been filled, many people mingling with others, but rarely chatting outside their faction group. The coloured clothing was so familiar, but jarring at the same time. Sirius had never seen this many people together before, and the five distinct types of colours reminded Sirius of the choice he would have to make in less than an hour.

On the platform stood five wide bowls, each holding a substance that represented each faction, in front of the bowls, a small table holding a knife and cloth.

"Walpurga, Orion!" a voice called from behind them.

Sirius heard his Mother sigh angrily as he turned, seeing a tall man walking towards them. He was wearing Abnegation grey, and his eyes were a strange gold colour, glinting as he smiled politely at Walpurga.

"So sorry to interrupt," the man said, "I just wanted to talk with you about the articles being released about Abnegation, but I see your hands are full."

His gaze slid to Regulus, then Sirius, and he held out a hand, shaking both of theirs with a firm grip.

"Sirius and Regulus Black I assume?" he asked.

"Yes," Walpurga said before Sirius could open his mouth. "These are my sons." Sirius almost flinched as her hand came to rest on his shoulder. "And there's no need to worry about the articles Lyall," she continued, her fingers biting into Sirius's skin, "We're doing our best to find the member of Erudite who released such...untruths."

Lyall. This must be Lyall Lupin, Sirius thought, suddenly seeing the man in a new light.

'People believed that Remus Lupin left Abnegation because his Father was beating him', his father's voice rung in his head.

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