[45] Blood That Cures

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"You're going to the castle again? Girl what business do you have going there again?"

"Apparently the King is summoning me."

Josie scoffs. "He's obviously going to put you in chains!"

"I don't think so... it probably has to do with my blood being the cure for the crow disease."

"Nonsense! He's going to put you in chains and then get your blood!"

"Enough Josie, just let Clarissa go. She's not a child."

"I'm getting deja vu." Clarissa watches the couple bicker in front of her. "peter still hasn't proposed." She muses while listening to a conversation she already heard the previous day.

"Fine! Be back by supper."

"I will."

"Peter and I will be going out once you're back, can you watch the kids? Just put them to bed after their dinner."

"You two are going on a date?"

"Yes, a date." Josie grumbles.

"Do you not want to go on a date with me?" Peter panics.

"Oh Peter..."

Clarissa slowly steps out the door before the two start bickering the second time this morning. Their bickers were never serious so it didn't concern her much. It was a peaceful walk to the castle, the streets were as barren as the Viertel castle due to the plague. People have been hiding in their homes and sending the brave on witch hunts towards those that did as little as cough a few times.

The economy surely hit rock bottom. It makes the bronze kingdom (which formerly had the worst economy among the three kingdoms) look like it has streets of gold. King Golden was well aware of this himself and it made him cry a bit everyday. The Princess' birthday party took a huge blow on the crown's funds too.

Clarissa Wains, using the Castle's front gate for the second time with no ulterior motives, like normal townsfolk.

"State your business." A guard speaks, voice low and raspy. Not the attractive kind. "Does he have a bone lodged in his throat?"

"I have been summoned by the king."

"Have you?"

Clarissa looks at the guard stationed at the other side of the gate. "Fredrick take your job seriously! It's your first day man! Ah it's the infamous Clarissa Wains too. I'll escort you to where the king awaits, Fredrick you come as well."

Clarissa follows them to the throne room. The King sits vulnerably on a wide gold and red cushioned throne, asleep and snoring. Paintings of Golden royals from each generation decorated the walls, the walls having golden rims and red backgrounds. The floor, a deep red carpet. So much red Clarissa wonders if the bronze kingdom's throne room looked like shit because she's under the assumption that it'd be fully decorated in brown and rust colors. And as such, silver colors for the silver kingdom.

"E-ehem. Your highness? Clarissa Wains has arrived." The guard speaks, and the king continues to snore loudly. The other guard, new to his job, snorts and giggles.


"I'm sorry it's just..."

The king lets out the loudest snore yet and Fredrick bursts into laughter, clutching his stomach.

"Fredrick stop!" The serious guard panics.

"Fredrick is quite the character." Clarissa mumbles. "King Golden, I have arrived."

Clarissa Beheads The Villainess Where stories live. Discover now