[4] Return Of The Villainess

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The gauntlets were quickly Vixen's favorite thing. Smashing into the faces of royal guards and having them topple over each other in confusion and fear brought the vitality back into taking them out.

And because it was made by Clarissa.

She watched him, Astaroth, and the other warriors of the castle fight at least three times every week wondering if she should just escape to deal with the kind herself. She had to admit she was getting bored of this lifestyle and worried it might actually go on forever.

There were already plans from the others that Clarissa overhead, delighted to not be the only one feeling this way.

Right before executing their separate plans, the guards come to a stop for over a week. Not a single one has come by to attempt to apprehend Clarissa, and during lunch Peter has word for them.

"You are an amazing chef Peter."

"Th...thank you Clarissa! You tell me that everytime we eat everyday." The rat replies anxiously. The others wondered when he'll get used to her.

"Because it's true." She takes a beyond generous amount of each food at the table. She gets stares wondering how she eats as much as Vixen would and that man is big.

Peter hurries to the center of the table, clanging a spoon on a glass. "Attention! Attention all! I have gotten word from my rat friends that the king ceased the execution order on Clarissa because Princess Freya has returned alive and well."

"You're joking!?" Orias places down the utensils in hand. Him and the others glance at Clarissa but she was just as confused even if it didn't show.

"Don't jump to conclusions. Some high level necromancer could be at work here, or something. Knowing the king he would use the dirtiest methods possible and all his resources. Could be why he could only send useless guards our way." Astaroth advises, going back to his meal.

"So what do we do now?" Vixen asks.

"We can't go back to our early plans knowing the princess is in a spot where she returns from the dead."

"What if we apologize to the princess? Maybe she'll stop being so mean to us."

"You're fucking stupid Katherine."

"Astaroth shut your stupid unnecessary mouth!" Orias throws his fork at him like a dart and he nimbly dodges moving to the side.

"No fighting at the dining table. And Astaroth, do watch your words." The big man grew irritated and the two went back to eating, unamused. Katherine was holding back tears, until she gave up and ran to her room. The duke was going to have a word with the other man after this.

Clarissa finished up earlier than usual and left to her quarters. The villainess coming back to life wasn't something that happened in the web novel unless it was what the author planned before they died.

But things are more interesting now.

She began working out in her quarters for the next couple days, preparing to return to town and hunt down the princess a second time to avenge poor peanut again. Vixen would stop by and leave a tray with food out her door every breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Those who were fond of her were concerned, most assumed the fear of karma was consuming her.

Only Vixen and Astaroth thought otherwise.

By the end of her preparations, Clarissa had prepared her stuff, put on a grey cloak and set out in the middle of the night, quickly stopped by another stealthy figure.

"Mind if I come with you?"

Dashing forward and turning around in a defensive stance with her blades out she takes a moment to figure who was quick enough to spot her.

"Consider it as repaying me for saving your life."

"Didn't know you get put in debt for having your life saved." She commented and continued onwards, he followed with footsteps as equally silent as hers.

"You don't move like any normal person you know that?"

"Neither do you."

"I've been trained as a stealth fighter all my life. No one knows a thing about you."

She made a clicking sound, picking up her speed. But Astaroth's familiarity with his surroundings made it easier for him to get around.

"It doesn't matter."

"You're probably stingier than I am if you spoke more."

"But I don't. So I'm not."

Astaroth chuckles. "I'd ask what you intend to do but you probably wouldn't answer. For now, we're comrades going to the same place."

"I fight alone."

"If you were alone that day you would've been executed. Maybe be a bit grateful?"

She didn't respond to that, react even. Until their legs tired out and they needed to rest, they kept running. Silently hoping one would last longer than the other, but they tired out the same time and rested under the same tree like friendly rivals.

Clarissa Beheads The Villainess Where stories live. Discover now