[11] Chef Clarissa

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"Hello citizens of my kingdom! It is time for the annual Viertel castle's cooking contest!"

"Stop calling it your kingdom!" Astaroth yells.

Orias stood from a platform overlooking everyone who was brought to the courtyard.

It was time for one of the many festivities that happened in this castle as Clarissa recollected. Following the webnovel, Katherine wins this cooking contest because the duke purposely sabotages everyone else's equipment.

"The rules are the same! But for the new people, like you Clarissa-" Orias winks. "There are no teams, and up to twenty-five people can sign up due to limited equipment. We will have three different rounds, and the theme will be randomized. It ranges from meat dishes to dessert.

Fifteen people will be eliminated the first round, seven people in the second, and the winner will be determined among the three in the final round. Like every previous year, the judges are going to be me and Peter. You have until one noon to register by writing your name on the board with the chalk provided. That's all!" Orias steps down and a few rush to sign up, Clarissa still unsure.

would Peter be more fond of me if I proved to be a good cook? In that case, I should join. I wouldn't have to worry about Orias sabotaging me till the final round. Vixen is my only competition, most can't actually cook or can only do simple dishes at best.

She stepped forward and wrote her name on the board, dusting the chalk off her fingers.

"I'm surprised you're joining." Astaroth and Vixen wrote their names next, and Katherine shakily added her name too.

"All four of us will be joining! This will be fun! Lets all do our best."

"It's my first time joining..."

"Katherine my sweet! You're joining!?" Orias gasps. "But I thought you were too afraid of joining competitions? What happened?"

"You're going to make her change her mind." Vixen shakes his head. "Whatever the reason, I'm glad you're taking part this year Katherine."

"I need to... Become better."

"Mhm! That's my Katherine!"

Astaroth rolls his eyes, Clarissa was already off thinking about what dishes to prepare.

If this completion is following the story, the first round's theme is going to be pasta, followed by cookies, and then soup. A very weird order but the duke is weird so it makes sense.

I will make Peter see how amazing I am!

Thanks to her parents of this world, Clarissa has experience in cooking many things. Without them she would be standing at her station with no idea what to do.


Once noon hits, the equipment and ingredients are prepared and all participants are at the courtyard about to begin.

"Hello everyone! The annual cooking contest is about to begin! I'm skipping formalities because I never do formalities! You all know me! The amazing Orias Viertel! And for the first round the dish you will be making is pasta. Whatever pasta you want and can make with what is here before you.

Select your ingredients and return to your spots, once everyone is ready we'll start. There is a hour time limit for this round." Orias announces and all scramble to get their ingredients.

Pasta from scratch was going to be challenging. But for those that weren't up for a challenge, there was the pasta that you just had to boil.

Very few took the longer route and intended to make the pasta from scratch, Vixen being one of them. Clarissa chose the easy option. She took ingredients for pesto pasta and waited back at her station for the others.

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