[3] Romancing The Side Character

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Clarissa had unintentionally finessed her way into Vixen's heart while spending most of every day in the smithy focused on her craft. It didn't take her long to create the blades she had in mind since her deceased cat no longer exists to distract her.

But this had her so severely unaware on how everyone else around her was doing. She didn't care for the rude comments from the other blacksmiths, she didn't pay attention to Katherine and the gang. Ever since reincarnating into what basically is a background character that doesn't even show up, crafting being a passion she never had in the real world.

"Katheriiiinee, don't leave me!" Orias tugs onto her dress, pulling her back into the room after she intended to only come by with tea and leave. It was just Vixen and the man prior to that because the fiery red hair had a problem with fiery cheeks.

"I can't give Vixen love advice! I'll absolutely ruin his chances! Approaching Astaroth would've been a better idea."

"Uh... Uhhh—" Katherine sighs and stands beside Orias. "Fine, I'll listen."

"I did in fact attempt to ask Astaroth first but he gagged at the word love."

"Now care repeating the story for Katherine?"

"I'm uh, not really good with relationships myself but I'll do my best to help you!"

A faint, hopeful smile creeps onto the troubled man's face, and he begins to explain the situation once again. "I may have feelings for Clarissa. Since I started hanging with her all the time at the smithy I saw how dedicated she is to her practice, how her work reflects the beauty of her soul—"

"That is so cheesy." The romance hating man of the hour shows up. "Continue, I just wanted to listen. Kinda needing some entertainment." He scoffs.

"She just seems so lonely though. I still haven't gotten to the point where she seems open to talk to me, but I don't think she's that way with anyone. And seeing how she is just makes me want to protect her. I want to get to know her, and she's also... Quite pretty as well."

"I can totally relate! I feel the same about Katherine as well, her shy presence and fragile features make me want to take care of her."

"Shut the hell up about yourself and your love for Katherine for once Orias."

"Ehh uh it's fine you two please don't fight!"

"Now I'm just lost on what to do." Vixen continues.

"I think you should let her be for now and watch things go at it's own pace." Astaroth suggests. The three were slightly surprised at how he had a decent answer in him.

"I say we get her drunk! Maybe she'll talk more and we'll finally get to learn more about her!"

"That's too much! I uhh, think we should go with Astaroth's suggestion." Katherine scowls at Orias.

"What if you get her a cat?" Peter comes out from one of the holes. "I believe she lost her cat because of the princess. Wait, if we have a cat my life might be on the line."

"Now that is a good idea!" Vixen gets up from his seat. "I'm going to get her a cat!"

"Please wait! I take that back I don't want to live with a cat! Noooo!" The rat cries out.

"You did that to yourself bud." Astaroth chuckles and leaves the room.

"Where are you even going to get a cat?" Orias asks.

"Oh you're right. Lately we've been going through wave after wave of those useless pawns after Clarissa's head. And probably hours. I can't even take a foot out of this place." Vixen sits back down. "Before even wondering what to do with these feelings we still have that whole problem right in front of us. Will we just be fighting them forever? It's getting boring."

"It won't help us to go directly to the castle either and declare war with the empire or something. I guess we do have to just keep putting up with it till the king decides to do something else or gives up."

"I'm sorry I'm no use to you guys..." Katherine lowers her head.

"Well it's true you'd have more use to us if you didn't just serve us tea and biscuits you didn't make yourself."

"Astaroth what the hell!? That's going way too far. I'll shut that shitty mouth of yours if you say something like that ever again." Orias gets up from his seat, clenching his fists.

"No! He's right... I can't fight, cook, clean even. I'm clumsy and not even great at moral support."

"Katherine no that's not true! You have a loving heart and pure intentions. You don't need to be of use to us because you aren't an object, you're a person."

She sounds like such a reader insert. Clarissa thinks. She just arrived to the scene, only hearing the last lines where Katherine was being picked on by her low self esteem. The blacksmith held heavy gauntlets in her arms to give to Vixen. A surprise gift of sorts since she thought this type of weaponry would suit him.

Without saying a word she enters the room and walks up to the man, and shoves the gauntlets at him. "For you."

"For me?" He looks at this new invention to their world. "Big metal gloves?"

"Gauntlets. You punch people."

"Gauntlets... Thank you so much Clarissa." He could feel joy from the depth of his skin, rattling his bones. If it didn't take both hands and arms to hold them he would've involuntarily hugged her. In the back Orias was not so silently cheering on for his friend before the other one dragged him away.

"Wow... Clarissa is such an amazing blacksmith. I wish I could be like her." Katherine commented, following behind the two that left.

"So what do you think of Clarissa, Astaroth?"

He side glanced at Orias and looked straight ahead, the long hall that led to the god awful sculpture. "She is a brilliant blacksmith."

"Ooh you're praising her? You never praise anyone. To be fair she deserves it. Her crafts are so unique and are so fun to use. I heard she's been making the other blacksmiths reconsider their job choices."

The girl behind them felt awful. She couldn't understand why she was jealous, but she was.


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