[37] The Villainess Beheads Clarissa

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"What happened to you girl?"

After days of slow travelling Clarissa arrives to town, taking a detour to the black-snake inn. She felt like she could find comfort in Josie.

"I lost him... he's dead."

Josie's face softens. Seeing she had guests this time around, she ushers Clarissa into her room where they have privacy. The woman's face looks as gloomy as they come, even more gloomy than Vixen whenever he saw Astaroth and Clarissa together.

Her already thin figure seemed to have gotten even thinner. This worried Josie, she had the kitchen cook up a meal for the grieving lady.

"So what the hell happened?"

"The crow disease."

"I'm sorry for you dear. Want anything to eat? You look sickly."

Clarissa shakes her head. "I have no appetite."

"Then let me rephrase. You need to eat, you look like you'll die of starvation. I'll have food for you in a bit, you aren't going anywhere without eating."

"Whenever I try to eat I remember how he would foam in the mouth like an animal during his last days. I can't."

"Well shit." Josie scratches her pink nose. "What am I going to do for you. Girl you'll die this way, is that what he would've wanted? If you made it all the way here for some reason then I'm assuming it's because you want to live."

"I do. But it's hard."

"'course it is. I feel sorry for you, but you need to tough it up. Give yourself time to grieve your man, and get back out there."

They look at each other in silence for some time.

"So what brings you all the way here?"

"I'm going to see the princess?"

"The princess? Why?"

Clarissa turns her face away, unable to answer.

"You're planning to do something stupid aren't you?"

She doesn't reply.

"Go home Clarissa."

"Where's home?"

"Stop being foolish and stubborn, go back to Orias' castle. You can stay here for a few nights, but go home. You aren't going to see the princess."

"I will."

Josie's ears twitch. "I'm saying this because I care about you. You saved my children's lives. Go. Home."

They're interrupted by a few knocks on the door. "The food you had prepared is ready."

"Bring it all in."

The door opens and rats enter bringing all types of food, much like what Peter would prepare during mealtimes. The food at the inn smelled and looked slightly different. Peter's is probably better, Clarissa thinks.

They place the food down onto a circular shaped, empty table at the center of the room and leave. Josie thanks them and turns her attention back to Clarissa.


"I can't."

"I said eat."

The rat forks a slice of ham and puts it onto a plate, cutting a small piece and lifting the fork up to the woman's mouth. "Open."

She reluctantly obeys, opening her mouth and accepting the ham. Clarissa chews languidly, and swallows.

"We'll do this slow." Josie repeats the process until the slice is finished. It seems to have drained the woman. "Come on girl, we're far from done here even if it'll take all night. Got any favorites or preferences?"

Clarissa Beheads The Villainess Where stories live. Discover now