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Bogum was about to sit on his bike when he got a call, he sees the caller id a smile appears on his lips because the call was from his mom..

He thought his mom would ask him to bring something from market but what he heard made him shocked..

Bogum calls Jin and inform "jin come to jeon's mansion"

Jin doesn't questioned much he understand the matter is about jungkook

Bogum sits on the bike and leaves for his home at full speed

Jungkook is throwing everything in his room, he's throwing whatever comes into his hand.

He even picked up his most precious vase which was given by his mom on his tenth birthday and throws it away

"Why why can't you look at me like you look at him" He screams his lungs out

"Why just why can't you love me am I asking too much"

"It hurts whenever you look,smile and touch someone else" He says and punched the mirror, he keeps punching  the broken  mirror

Bloods are oozing out from his knuckles.. There was already a wound in his hands,  the wound has been further aggravated by hitting the mirror..

Mrs Jeon is downstair waiting for bogum to arrive she doesn't know what has happened to jungkook moreover she's scared to go into Jungkooks room. So she's waiting for bogum to arrive

Jungkook has been vandalizing and screaming ever since he came back from college

Luckily Mr. Jeon is not at home, he's out of country if he had seen Jungkook like this, no one could save jungkook from Mr. Jeon's anger..
Bogum, Jin, namjoon and suga reaches the jeon's mansion all four go inside the mansion in a hurry worry was visible on everyone's face

"Jin" Mrs Jeon call when she sees jin who's face is tensed..

"Mrs.jeon where is kook he's alright right" Jin asked hurriedly

"I don't know, since he come back from college he has been vandalizing and screaming in his room" Says Mrs Jeon

All four run to Jungkooks room and seeing Jungkook in that condition everyone's heart sank down..

Jungkook's room is in disarray, there is worn out cigarette all over the ground and there he's lying on the floor smoking a cigarette...

Jin comes near Jungkook and crouch down he shake jungkook's shoulder and softly mumble

"j-jungkook what happened" Jungkook is puffing on a cigarette and just emitting it he looks as if he is not aware of what is happening around him..

Bogum is grounded on his place the moment he came here Mrs. Jeon is on a verge of crying it's the first time she sees Jungkook in this condition

Jin takes the cigarette from Jungkook and throws it away suga and namjoon comes towards jungkook and both picks Jungkook up from the floor and lied him in the bed..

"Kook what happened" This time suga asked jungkook

Jungkook was not replying to anyone he was just staring at the ceiling

Finally bogum comes near jungkook and sit next to him " I-i  w-will talk to taehyung don't worry "

jungkook looks at bogum as soon as bogum takes taehyung's name a drop of tears fell from jungkook's eyes

Jin wipes away the tears of jungkook his eyes himself filled with tears after witnessing jungkook's condition he didn't knew that jungkook is this much crazy about taehyung..

This is the moment suga Jin and namjoon knows why jungkook is acting like this and for Mrs Jeon she's still confused

"Who is taehyung and why he's behaving like this" Mrs. Jeon ask bogum

"Mom not now later" Said bogum to Mrs Jeon

" If his condition is due to some other person then tell me, I'll talk to him if I had to beg I'll do it just tell me" Mrs. Jeon scream desperately..

Jungkook blinks his eyes when he hears the scream of Mrs. Jeon

"Want to talk to him hmm" Bogum ask jungkook who shake his head

The dreadful silence took over the place

Jungkook break the silence "He's crawling in the every inch of my nerves"

Everyone eyes stuck at him when he speak this heartbreaking words suga hears this and walk out of the room he can't bear the heart breaking voice of Jungkook

Jungkook directly looks in bogum eyes "it hurts hyung" Bogum shuddered at jungkook's words, bogum avert his eyes from jungkook he shouldn't have told him that he likes taehyung too..

Jungkook points at his own heart and says "it-it hurts here"

"W-when he doesn't look at me like he does to you" Bogum eyes widened

"What are you talking" Bogum asked him Confusingly

"I never t-thought I would f-fall for someone so hard that seeing him with others would set my heart on Fire"

Jungkook avert his eyes from bogum to again ceiling

"Call it addiction or whatever, my breath s-stuck whenever I see him with you, I had a fear that you'll snatch him away from me and.........you did hyung" Says Jungkook

"Wha-t are you talking kook"

"You fucking snatch him away from me" Jungkook screams and gets up from his bed and walks towards balcony

Jungkook turns towards bogum and says with his broken voice "As I told you before if taehyung choose you I would back off"

"I'm backing off hyung taehyung likes you, he has crush on you ever since you two met"

Bogum comes to halt when he heard this, Jin and namjoon also lost their senses Mrs Jeon Jeon is as confused as she was before

"W-what" Bogum should be happy that taehyung also likes him but..... He's not happy at all, he can't snatch his brothers happiness and taehyung is jungkook's happiness..

"It hurts to say this but I don't want to snatch your happiness"

"Kook listen" Jungkook cuts bogum in the midway and says

"Please i want to be alone"

"Kook" Jin says

"Hyung please"

"Ok we are going out" Says namjoon and grabs Mrs. Jeon and Jin hands and leave the room

"Kook listen what I want to say is-" Bogum was again cuts off by Jungkook

"Hyung please I'm begging you" Jungkook says and tears slips out from his eyes

Bogum can't look at Jungkook now his tears are affecting bogum and he rushed out of junglook's room..

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